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Customise your module: Editing settings.txt

TomWhitwell edited this page Aug 29, 2017 · 9 revisions

How to personalise your Radio Music module

  • When the module starts up, it checks the SD card for a file called settings.txt
  • If no file is found, it will create one on the card, with the default settings
  • By editing settings.txt you can change how the module responds and behaves in quite significant ways
  • The file is a simple text file you can open in any text editor. Change the numbers to change the behaviour of the module.
  • If you use the 2017 firmware there is a settings generator application available. NOTE : The settings.txt from the application is NOT backwards compatible with older firmwares BUT existing settings files can be used with the newer firmware. Please see the guide to the 2017 firmware for more details.
  • If you have any trouble, just delete the settings.txt file. The module will create a new one according to the defaults, which are:


  • If MUTE=1 (1 = true, 0 = false) then the module will fade the sound out while making changes - changing channel or resetting. This reduces clicks, making the audio smoother, but slows down the responsiveness of the module considerably. If you trigger a change, it will start the fade (lasting as long as DECLICK below), start playing again when the volume is zero, then fade back in.


  • If MUTE is true, then the audio fades for the number of milliseconds in DECLICK. If you set this to 200, the fades are very audible.
  • If DECLICK is high and you repeatedly trigger changes, the audio may appear to be constantly faded out - it will never get loud enough to hear


  • If ShowMeter is true (1), the 4 LEDs at the top of the module act as a VU meter when audio is playing
  • If ShowMeter is false (0), the 4 LEDs display the current bank number in binary


  • If ShowMeter is true, meterHIDE sets how long the number is shown after changing banks, in milliseconds

ChanPotImmediate and variations

  • These settings determine how the module's knobs and CV inputs behave
  • If the setting is true (1), then any change in the knob position or CV input will immediately change the channel or the playback position
  • If the setting is false (0), then knob or CV changes only make a difference when RESET is pressed or a trigger hits the reset input
  • This is quite confusing, so I'll try to explain
    • The default setting is: Station selection is immediate, start selection is on reset.
    • The Station knob operates exactly like a radio tuning knob.
    • But the Start knob does nothing until RESET is pressed.
    • That's because the Start knob is more sensitive than the Station knob. Station selects from one of maybe 20 or 30 positions, while Start might be one of 512 positions. It's easier to nudge Start, causing a glitch in the audio, so I left it 'locked' until RESET is pressed.
    • However, there are a lot of fun musical opportunities when Start is set to Immediate, so experiment. These audio samples Random Drums and Random Voices are easier to achieve when StartCVImmediate=0, as explained in the [Random Beatbox]( random-beatbox) patch recipe.


  • This number sets the quantisation of the Start CV (and Pot) inputs, to make them less sensitive to noise and movement. Higher numbers = coarser resolution.
    • If the setting is 1, there are 1023 possible Start CV positions. In a 10 minute sample, you can select to a resolution of half a second.
    • If the setting is 8, there are 128 possible start positions, a resolution of 5 seconds.


  • If Looping is false (0) then files will only play once after they've been triggered.
  • v1.2 and above: Looping=0 also disables the radio system. In normal use, the files appear to 'play in the background' as you skip between channels. With looping=0, this is disabled. Every time you move to a channel, it starts from the position set by the start control. This is more useful for drum-style sample triggering.
  • This may have an impact on the hot-swapping system, please report any issues.