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Building a Malware analysis lab

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What is a Malware and Malware analysis lab ?

Malware is like a sneaky computer program that's designed to cause harm, like stealing information or damaging your computer.

A Malware Analysis Lab is a safe place where cybersecurity experts study these sneaky programs to understand how they work. It's like a detective's lab, where they examine the malware to figure out its tricks and how to stop it from causing trouble.

Types of Malware Analysis

  1. Static Analysis: This is like looking at a suspect's photo and examining it closely without letting them move. In static analysis, experts study the malware's code and structure without actually running it. It helps in understanding what the malware does and how it does it, without risking harm to the computer.

  2. Dynamic Analysis: This is like watching a suspect in action, observing their behavior and actions. In dynamic analysis, experts run the malware in a controlled environment (like a sandbox) and observe its behavior. They monitor what files it accesses, what network connections it makes, and what changes it makes to the system. This helps in understanding the malware's actions in real-time.

What do we gonna do ?

  1. Setting up a VM (virtual machine) and install a windows 10 (ISO file) into VM

  2. Installing Flare VM

  3. Static analysis hands on practice

  4. Dynamic analysis hands on practice


  1. Download virtual box -

  2. Download windows 10 (ISO file) -

  3. Create a folder in your computer files name "windows10" and close it.

  4. Open up your virtual box and add new to get your setups and choose in folder section - "windows10" which is empty.

  5. Open up again your virtual box and tap "start" After that load your "windows iso file" to the VM and get started

Click on "Devices" and go to "insert guess Additional CD image

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Go to "files" πŸ‘‡

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Go to "PC" πŸ’»

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Click on "CD drive (D;) VirtualBox Guest Additions" πŸ‘‡

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Click to "VBox Windows Additions-amt454" πŸ‘‡

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Click "Yes" πŸ‘‡

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Click "Next" πŸ‘‡

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Click "Install" πŸ‘‡

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Login your account πŸ’»

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Click Windows button and "R" there will be pop up like this and type "Services.msc"πŸ‘‡

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Find "windows update" and double click it πŸ‘‡

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Click "Stop" >>> "Disable" >>> "Apply" πŸ‘‡

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Go to search bar and search " windows security " and open it πŸ‘‡

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Click the Shield button "πŸ›‘οΈ" πŸ‘‡

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Go to "Manage settings" πŸ‘‡

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Turn OFF these four - Realtime protection, Cloud delivered protection, Automatic sample submission and Tamper protectionπŸ‘‡

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Go to search bar and search - "gpedit.msc" πŸ‘‡

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Go to "Administrative templates"πŸ‘‡ >>> "Windows Components"πŸ‘‡

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Find "Microsoft Defender antivirus"πŸ‘‡

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Choose "Real time protection"πŸ‘‡

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Double click on " turn on real time protection " πŸ‘‡

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Click "Enable","Ok" and "Apply"πŸ‘‡

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Then on "Real time protection" section Go to >>> "Turn off Microsoft Defender Antivirus" πŸ‘‡

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Click "Enable","Ok" and "Apply"πŸ‘‡

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Restart your Virtualbox in windows sectionπŸ‘‡

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After restart Go to Files >>> "View" >>> "Options" >>> "Change folder and search options"

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Click to "View" , tap "Show hidden files" , untick the box - "Hide extensions for known file types"

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After this go to "machines" in windows

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Take a snapshot becoz if we download Flare Vm and we face any problem then we can setup again so name it to "Basline" and give description whatever you want

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Close your virtual box and go to "settings" - Display >>> video memory Full (256MB) >>> Enable 3D accelerationβœ…

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Now lets Install Flare VM

  • Open powershell as administrator
  • Download installation script -Installer.ps1
  • make a file and paste it
  • open powershell and Unblock the script Unblock-File .Vinstall.ps1
  • enable script execution Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
  • β€’ If you receive an error saying the execution policy is overridden by a policy defined at a more specific scope, you may need to pass a scope in Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser - Force
  • To view execution policies for all scopes, execute Get- ExecutionPolicy -List
  • Finally, execute the installer script as follow:


  • Enter your virtual box windows 10 password πŸ”‘
  • Now the download starts
  • After Downloading Press Enter Button to exitπŸ‘
  • Make sure you have these files in your folder or you can download raw files
  • Hashmyfiles
  • Fakenet
  • Ghidra
  • Regshot

Go to windows and create another snapshot πŸ‘‡ And name whatever you want and shut down

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Click here for Hands on Static analysis

Click here for Hands on Dynamic analysis