Projectica is a social network, which helps young developers to find like-minded ones. Also Projectica gives you abilities to create projects(startups) by your wish and hand-pick team for such a project.
Projectica uses messaging to provide communication to users.
Projectica requires Java 8, Maven, Redis and some RDBMS. Here is shown deploying process for Windows, MySQL and Gmail.
- Clone or download Projectica
- Open terminal, change directory to project folder and type:
mysql -uroot -p
create database projectica_db;
mysql -uroot -p projectica_db < projectica_db_dump.sql
- Change some properties in src/main/resources folder: 2.1 Edit (username and password for database) 2.2 Edit Example for Gmail (gmail may block you - solution):
#Email properties
email.username=--your gmail address--
email.password=--your password--
- Open terminal, change directory to project folder and type:
mvn package
java -jar target/Projectica.jar
- Projectica works!!!