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This project is about book keeping and managing it in a well manner.


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Bookstore APP ## v.1.0.5

Bookstore CI/CD

This project is about book keeping and managing it in a well manner.
Language : Node.js
Framework : Sail.js
Testing Kit : Jest, Supertest
Database : MongoDB
IDE : VS Code
Template Engine : EJS
Tools : Passport.js, Bcrypt, Bootstrap 4,

In the project directory, first you have to run -

1. First install all the dependencies

npm install

2. To run the app

sails lift   ||   node app.js

3. To test unit cases

npm test

4. For development purpose

nodemon app.js

5. For production mode

After changing the specific environment variable for production

npm start

6. Runs the app in the development mode

Open URL : To view the site in the browser. http://localhost:1337/

7. For demo purpose view the app is in production mode

Only for demo purpose

Access : Admin Panel/Controls


User : Pass :
admin 12345

*For Educational purpose, please don't change the passwords.


This project was tested and CI/CD implemented via Github to Heroku Server. Strategy for Matrix, node-version: checked for [10.x, 12.x], but don't try it simultaneously for testing, because sails orm cannot handle it by doing sails lift at the same time for multiple request, so do it sequencially.

  • For best practices and better performance:
  1. CI/CD .yml : node-version: [10.x, 12.x] -> [12.x]
  2. package.json : "test": "<instruction> --runInBand"
  • Quick fix:
  1. If heroku server store the caches and not updating the production environment code $ heroku restart -a bookstores-app
  2. Heroku maintains a cache directory that is persisted between builds. This cache is used to store caches for npm, yarn, and bower. You can disable all caching for Node.js apps if you prefer: ex. node_modules
$ heroku config:set NODE_MODULES_CACHE=false
$ git commit -am 'disable node_modules cache' --allow-empty
$ git push heroku master


This project is only build for educational purpose

Special thanks & gratitude to:

Sails.js Framework, AdminLTE, Jest (by Facebook), Fontawesome, Flaticon & other JS package owners