This project represents hands on study, based on the course 'AWS Serverless REST APIs for Java Developers. CI/CD included.
The main goal of this project is to get some hands on experience on AWS.
- sam-rest-api-hands-on
- Simple app to pratice the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) concepts.
- sam-user-api-cognito
- REST API integrated with Cognito.
- User can perform actions like:
- sign up
- confirm
- login
- add user to group
- sam-lambda-authorizer
- SAM app to deploy an Lambda Authorizer that can be used on AWS API Gateway
- Create an API
- Resources and methods
- mock responses
- path parameters
- to read on mapping: $input.params('{paramName}')
- query strings parameters
- to read on mapping: $input.params('{paramName}')
- Deploy using Stages
- Documenting API
- publishing documentation
- versioning documentation
- Exporting API
- Swagger
- OpenAPI
- Postman
- Validate http request
- headers
- by checking 'required' or not
- parameters
- by checking 'required' or not
- body
- by using models/schemas
- headers
- Models
- attach models to methods executions
- Data Transformations
- understanding
- cold start
- warm start
- pricing based on:
- number of request
- duration
- GB-S
- GB: amount of memory allocated to the funciton
- S: seconds - execution time
- Create Lambda functions
- using Java 11+
- maven dependencies
- aws-lambda-java-core
- aws-lambda-java-events
- maven plugin
- shade: for uber/fat jar
- upload jar file to a lambda function
- Version
- Alias
- Assign lambda function to an API Gateway Method
- working with Environment variables
- Install AWS SAM CLI and AWS CLI
- Config AWS SAM CLI on gitbash windows:
vim ~/.bashrc alias sam='sam.cmd' or alias sam="/c/Program\ Files/Amazon/AWSSAMCLI/bin/sam.cmd"`
- Config AWS SAM CLI on gitbash windows:
- Configure AWS credentials
- by using aws configure
- create new project using SAM
sam init
on windows: if there's issues on init, run this on powershell (as admin)
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem" -Name "LongPathsEnabled" -Value 1 -PropertyType DWORD -Force
- build
sam build
- test it locally using Docker
sam local invoke {FunctioName} --event {folder/file.json} E.g.: sam local invoke TestFunciton --event events/event.json
- debug locally
sam local invoke *{FunctioName}* --event {folder/file.json} -d {debugPort} E.g.: sam local invoke TestFunciton --event events/event.json -d 5858
- deploy to AWS
sam deploy --guided or, after preferences saved to a .toml file sam deploy --config-file {.toml file path}
- View logs
sam logs --name {FunctioName} --stack-name {CloudFormationStackName} tailing: sam logs --name {FunctioName} --stack-name {CloudFormationStackName} --tail
- Delete AWS SAM application
sam delete {CloudFormationStackName}
- Create and configure 'user pools'
- Use User Pool in SAM application
- aws sdk cognito identity
- aws sdk cognito identity provider
- aws sdk apache-client
- Groups
- encrypt value using aws cli and kms
aws kms encrypt --key-id {kms-key-id} --plaintext fileb://{file-path}
"CiphertextBlob": "{encrypted-value}",
"KeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456:key/{kms-key-id}",
"EncryptionAlgorithm": "SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT"
- create an api key
- config the usage plan
- config api gateway to use api key
- create a repository
- create an user credentials to perform commits/push to repos
- go to IAM and create an user
- check 'Access key - programmatic access' since we're just using it to code commit
- grant permission do CodeCommit. e.g. AwsCodeCommitPowerUser
- go to the user created, on the tab 'Security credentials'
- Find the section 'HTTPS Git credentials for aws CodeCommit' and click on 'Generate credentials'
- save username/password
- Find the section 'HTTPS Git credentials for aws CodeCommit' and click on 'Generate credentials'
- go to IAM and create an user
- create an s3 bucket to store files created during the build process
- create a buildspec file
- file that contains instructions to build the project
- create a CodeBuild project to use CodeCommit as source provider
- select the repo and the branch
- config buildspec location (if it's not in the root folder)
- config artifact to
- Type 'AmazonS3'
- select the bucket created previously
- Artifacts packing to 'Zip'
- Create a pipeline
- on source stage
- select AWS CodeCommit as source provider
- select the repo and the branch
- select AWS CodeCommit as source provider
- on build stage
- select a code build project
- on deploy stage
- select CloudFormation and provide the StackName
- add custom action on deploy stage to execute change set
- on source stage