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Users Permissions

Daniel Neto edited this page Jul 24, 2020 · 5 revisions

When a new user is registered on your website, we can automatically give some permissions to them.

To control the permission, and if they will be automatically or not, basically, everything you need is on the Site Configuration Menu or in the customizeUser plugin or the Users Menu

Configuration Menu


customizeUser plugin


The manual configuration you can do when you edit a user on the Users Menu

Users Menu


Upload rights

We have 3 ways to give permissions. Automatically, Manually and from Payments.

If you use the payment method we can consider it automatic permission also, because the software will automatically enable and disable the permission.


You can allow for new users when they signup they will have rights to upload videos, for this check, the option Authenticated users can upload videos on the site Configuration Menu


You can give upload permissions manually if you disable the option Authenticated users can upload videos then, to control it, you will need to check or uncheck the Can Upload Videos option on the Users Menu


You can request a paid subscription to allow users to upload, defined by the filesize.

For this use the DiskUploadQuota Plugin

Live stream


You can allow for new users when they signup they will have rights to upload videos, for this check, the option newUsersCanStream on the customizeUser plugin


You can give live stream permissions manually if you disable the option newUsersCanStream on the customizeUser plugin then, to control it, you will need to check or uncheck the Can Stream Videos option on the Users Menu




You can allow for new users when they signup to have rights to comment videos, for this check, the option Authenticated users can comment videos on the site Configuration Menu


there is no way to manually give this permission. the comment permission is sitewide. but you still have configurations options on the security on the next topic.


Email verification

For security reasons and to avoid trolls is a good idea to require the email verification before upload or comment. the email verification can be a prerequisite for multiple features rights. the main options we have for user permission configurations are:

  1. onlyVerifiedEmailCanUpload
  2. unverifiedEmailsCanNOTLogin
  3. unverifiedEmailsCanNOTComment
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