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VideoOffline Plugin

Daniel Neto edited this page Jul 19, 2023 · 2 revisions

The VideoOffline Plugin allows users to save videos locally for offline viewing in popular web browsers on both PC and mobile devices. This plugin takes into account the storage limits imposed by the browser.

This feature is not available in the mobile app


  • Works in major web browsers on PC and mobile devices.
  • Allows users to save videos for offline viewing.
  • Converts HLS videos to MP4 format and stores them locally.
  • Utilizes browser storage for efficient video caching.

How it Works

The VideoOffline Plugin converts HLS videos into MP4 format and saves the corresponding blob code locally, ensuring compatibility across different browsers and devices.

Please note that the maximum file size limit is determined by the browser. While the specific maximum file size may vary, successful tests have shown the capability to store 2-hour-long videos.

Expiration Time

The VideoOffline Plugin provides the option to set an expiration time for offline videos. Users will need to renew the offline availability after the predefined expiration period.

Usergroup Privileges

You can configure the VideoOffline Plugin to grant offline privileges only to specific user groups. By selecting certain user groups, such as those with a subscription through the Subscription Plugin, you can provide offline benefits to eligible users.

Pre-Convert All Your Videos

To speed up the conversion process, you can use the following command before storing the videos offline. Please note that this conversion will consume additional disk space.

To convert your videos to the offline format using the VideoOffline Plugin in a Ubuntu command-line environment, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal in your Ubuntu system.

  2. Navigate to the AVideo plugin directory using the cd command. Assuming your AVideo installation directory is /var/www/html/AVideo, run the following command:

    cd /var/www/html/AVideo/plugin/VideoOffline
  3. Once you are in the VideoOffline plugin directory, execute the conversion command using PHP by running the following command:

    php convertVideo.commandLine.php

    This command will initiate the conversion process for all the videos, transforming them into the offline format compatible with the VideoOffline Plugin.

  4. Wait for the conversion process to complete. The time taken will depend on the number and size of the videos being converted.

  5. After the conversion is finished, the videos will be ready for offline consumption by users through the VideoOffline Plugin.

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