Explore Gigs in your Hood
imported from AzureDevOps repository (TFS -> Git)
This project was a follow-up of the prior first encounter with ASP.NET MVC 5 framework. It has been created following online course Become a Full-stack .NET Developer by Mosh Hamedani on Plurlasight to get more thorough understanding of the web development as well as unit and integration testing. It provides basic functionality of mini social networking application for music enjoyers such as browsing and subscribing to the upcoming musical events, following artist, adding/canceling one's own gigs, notifications system etc. It misses few features and tests, but is kept deployment-ready.
- Web API
- Entity Framework 6 (Code First)
- JavaScript
- CSS3
- Clean architecture
- Automated testing
- Ninject
- Moq
- AutoMapper
- jQuery AJAX
- jQuery .validate
- Bootstrap3
- Bootswatch
- Underscore.js
- Moment.js
- Bootbox.js
- Less CSS
- Animate.css
- Postman
Wengorito Inc.