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Russell Porter edited this page May 7, 2014 · 28 revisions


WhyJustRun has many API's, mostly based on the IOF XML Standard.

Entry List

Entry list is available in the IOF XML 3.0 Standard.{event_id}/entry_list.xml

Start List

Start list is available in the IOF XML 2.0.3 Standard.{event_id}/start_list.xml

Result List


Result list is available in the IOF XML 2.0.3 and 3.0 Standards.{event_id}/result_list.xml{event_id}/result_list.xml


Write access is also available for IOF XML 3.0, in order to post event results to WhyJustRun. To send results to WhyJustRun, send the Result List XML in the body of an HTTP POST request to the below URL. HTTP Basic Auth is used for authenticating your WhyJustRun account.

NOTE: this will overwrite pre-existing results for the event. Additionally, providing the User id is recommended: if there are multiple users in WhyJustRun with the same name, without the User id, live results posting will fail.{event_id}/result_list.xml

Live Results

You can upload live results for an event via a POST request to:{event_id}/live_result_list.xml

Fetch the live results with a GET request{event_id}/live_result_list.xml

Organization List

Organization list is available in the IOF XML 3.0 Standard.

All club's in the WhyJustRun system are listed.

Competitor List

A competitor list is available in the IOF XML 3.0 Standard. This is handy for importing into your results software.

All registered users in the WhyJustRun system are listed.

Event List


  • IOF XML 3.0 (.xml) (use URL parameter iof_version=3.0)
  • IOF XML 2.0.3 (.xml) (use URL parameter iof_version=2.0.3)
  • Full Calendar JSON (.json)
  • iCal (.ics)

(use the file extension to select the format)


These are URL parameters - all parameters are optional.

  • start, end times (UTC Unix timestamps)
  • club_id (find events within a club)
  • club_events (default: all) (options: none, significant, all) (you must specify a club_id for this parameter to take effect)
  • external_significant_events (default: none) (options: none, all) - use to include events from other clubs that the members of the club may be interested (you must specify a club_id for this parameter to take effect)
  • prefix_club_acronym (default: false) (options: true, false, external_only) - add the club acronym to the beginning of the event name
  • iof_version (options: 2.0.3, 3.0) (required when using IOF xml format)

The list will be sorted in ascending order of start date.


iCal Feed

A standard iCal feed for use with any calendaring software (Google Calendar, Outlook, iCal, etc). Has all events ever organized by a club.


Can also use https as the protocol if you don't need the webcal protocol handler.

JSON Events List (FullCalendar compatible)

A JSON events feed designed for use with FullCalendar. Start and end GET parameters are UTC timestamps. Also provides description, latitude, longitude for events.

The list will be sorted in ascending order of start date.{club_id}/events.json?start=#{start_utc_timestamp}&end=#{end_utc_timestamp}

Sample FullCalendar embed code:

	events: '{club_id}/events.json'