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迎春心情 edited this page Aug 14, 2024 · 20 revisions

This is a special file used to declare the game settings per assets package: Define the game title, character names, specify behavior for intro and outro scenes, add more credits lines, and some other properties. This file should be placed at the assets root directory (alongside intro.lvl(x) and outro.lvl(x)).


General game properties.

  • title - (string) The game title is shown at the window title and at the credits.
  • disable-two-player - (false/true) Block the ability to use two-player mode. Please use this for packed games developed for single-player only.
  • disable-battle-mode - (false/true) Block the ability to use battle mode. Use this for packed games that don't ship any battle levels.
  • id - (string) Game Asset Pack ID (1.3.7+)
  • version - (string) Version under same ID of Game Asset Pack (1.3.7+)


(since TheXTech 1.3.6) The counter of playable character deaths and display the counter at the left-top of the screen. There are title ("FAILS" by default), the number of deaths on a current level, and number of deaths at the episode on a current game save.

  • enabled - (false/true) Enable the deaths to counter globally for all episodes (including these are don't enable it). Default true since
  • title - (string) Set the title shown at the death counter ("FAILS" shown by default; Varies by language JSON file since


(since TheXTech 1.3.6) The built-in implementation of LunaDLL Autocode scripting system which works on TheXTech at all supported platforms.

  • enable-engine - (true/false) Enable the LunaScript engine globally for all episodes. When you disable it, episodes will be unable to use the LunaScript engine. It's NOT advised to use it for creation, NOR enable it for sandbox game asset packs! Enabled by default.


List of character names.

  • nameX - (string) The character names, with "X" being replaced by the corresponding number. So, to rename Mario, specify name1 = Demo, to rename Peach, specify name3 = Kood, etc.


name1 = "Demo"
name2 = "Iris"
name3 = "Kood"
name4 = "Raocow"
name5 = "Sheath"

The file assets_xx.json of the name overwrites the above parameters due to multilingual system.


Android launcher specific settings.

  • logo - (string) The relative path to the logo image is shown at the launcher. (Example: graphics/ui/MenuGFX2.png)
  • background - (string) The relative path to the background image shown at the launcher. (Example: graphics/background2/background2-2.png)
  • background-frames - (integer) The number of animation frames on the background picture. Frames are going sequentially by vertical direction from up to down. The count of frames will split the full image into 4 pieces vertically. Every piece will be shown after the delay. Default 1 (i.e. no animation specified).
  • background-delay - (integer) The millisecond delay between background animation frames. Default 125.


Intro scene behaviour customization.

  • enable-activity - (true/false) Enables player activity on the intro scene. If disabled, no players will walk on the scene, the camera will stay fixed on the same position, visible NPCs will work.
  • max-players-count - (integer) Specify the number of playable characters that will walk on the intro scene. The default is 6. If set to 0, it's equal to enable-activity = false
  • characters - (comma-separated integer list) Specify which playable characters are seen. Default 1,2,3,4,5. To keep Mario and Peach only, specify 1,3.


Outro (credits) scene behaviour customization.

  • enable-activity - (true/false) Enables player activity on the outro scene. If disabled, no players will walk on the scene, the camera will stay fixed in the same position (where you will place your player start points), and visible NPCs will work.
  • max-players-count - (integer) Specify the number of playable characters that will walk on the outro scene. Default is 5. If set to 0, it's equal to enable-activity = false
  • characters - (comma-separated integer list) Specify which playable characters are seen. Default 1,2,3,4,5. Example, to keep Mario and Peach only, specify 1,3.
  • states - (comma-separated integer list) Specify which states playable characters will have.
  • mounts - (comma-separated integer list) Specify which mounts playable characters will use.
  • auto-jump - (true/false) Enable the automatic jump when players pass by a cliff. It may glitch sometimes while enabled.
  • walk-direction - (left/idle/right) Specify the walk direction for all characters.
  • initial-directions - (comma-separated integer list) Specify which direction playable characters will have while set to idle: -1 left, 1 right, 0 random.


Tune the credits list.

  • font - (integer) The built-in font type number used to print the text. Default 5 since, and 4 before
  • homepage - (string) The last line is shown at the credits. Usually the home page is shown. Can be replaced with a phrase such as "Thanks for playing our game!", etc.
  • game-credit-X - (string) Additional credits lines. The "X" is the counter of additional lines. You should start it with 1, and for every new line, increase the value. Lines will continue until the next number will not be specified in the section.


game-credit-1 = "Cool author one"
game-credit-2 = "A friend"
game-credit-3 = "The sister"
game-credit-4 = "The reader of this article"


(since TheXTech 1.3.6) Adds additional aliases to existing cheats globally (for both levels and worlds). Every key in this section should contain the original name of the cheat code and the value as the alias name. Both original and alias cheat codes will work.


donthurtme = iddqd


(since TheXTech 1.3.6) Renames existing cheat codes globally (for both levels and worlds). Every key in this section should contain the original name of the cheat code and the value as a new name of the cheat. The original name of the cheat code will not work.


needahammersuit = idkfa


(since TheXTech 1.3.6) Adds additional aliases to existing cheats at the world map only. Every key in this section should contain the original name of the cheat code and the value of the alias name. Both original and alias cheat codes will work.


illparkwhereiwant = iridetractor

See list of available cheats that can have aliases.


(since TheXTech 1.3.6) Renames existing cheat codes on the world map only. Every key in this section should contain the original name of the cheat code and the value as a new name of the cheat. The original name of the cheat code will not work.


illparkwhereiwant = pickupbyufo

See list of available cheats that can be renamed.


(since TheXTech 1.3.6) Adds additional aliases to existing cheats at the levels only. Every key in this section should contain the original name of the cheat code and the value of the alias name. Both original and alias cheat codes will work.


donttypethis = destroytheworld

See list of available cheats that can have aliases.


(since TheXTech 1.3.6) Renames existing cheat codes on levels only. Every key in this section should contain the original name of the cheat code and the value as a new name of the cheat. The original name of the cheat code will not work.


needashell = whereismystone

See list of available cheats that can be renamed.

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