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WolfyScript edited this page Mar 25, 2022 · 10 revisions


Recipes are quite resource intensive. To reduce lag, it is highly recommended, that you use saved CustomItems or Material only items (without NBT).
Additionally, you can use items from other plugins like Oraxen, ItemsAdder, MMOItems, or MythicMobs.

The reason for that is that those items contain one or two NBT tags, that uniquely identify the custom item.
This greatly improves the performance as the plugin only has to compare one or two NBT tags, instead of dozens of NBT tags per item.


Explains some important terminology that is used in the plugin.

Elite & Advanced Crafting Tables

There are two different kinds of custom crafting tables:

  • Advanced Crafting Table -- A crafting table using the vanilla crafting GUI and allows you to craft recipes specifically made for it.
  • Elite Crafting Table -- A crafting table with a custom crafting GUI and up to a 6x6 crafting grid. (No default available! Create one via the ItemCreator).

Namespaced Keys

Namespaced keys are used to identify and register recipes and items, and prevent duplicates of other custom items/recipes or vanilla items/recipes.
It is highly advised that you use useful namespaces and keys, so you can easily manage recipes and items.
They are represented in the format namespace:key or namespace key.
Usually, when asked to type it into the chat, the format namespace key is used (Use /wui <namespace> <key> whenever you are asked to input it into the chat to get tab completions!).
(Also see vanilla Namespaced ID)

GUI Windows

  • Main Menu -- The menu that will open up when executing /cc. From here you can go to the Settings and Creators.
  • Recipe Creator -- GUI to create all types of recipes. The type depends on the type selected on the MainMenu.
  • Item Creator -- GUI to create Items and CustomItems.
  • Recipe List -- A list of all the custom recipes you created. From here they can be edited, deleted, or disabled. It also displays vanilla recipes, which can be disabled.
  • Recipe Book -- GUI that contains all your custom recipes. It allows your players to view the recipes. Can be accessed via /recipes


CustomItem are created and saved via the ItemCreator or WolfyUtilities under a unique Namespaced key.
They can contain special options, that are saved to a config.
Additionally, they act as a link to Items saved in other plugins like Oraxen, ItemsAdder, or MythicMobs. Furthermore, they will save a config value that corresponds to the specific plugin and load it accordingly. Changes made to linked Items will be directly applied to the Recipes/CustomItems containing the link.

| Home

  • Editions
  • Installation

| General

  • Performance
  • Terminology

| Recipes


  • From 1.6.5.x
  • From
  • From or older

| Special Workstations

  • Custom Recipe Book
  • Vanilla Recipe Book
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