Python SDN control center with Flask. Mainly build for the GUI.
Flask web server with Jinja2 object paired with the beautiful bootstrap v5 framework. This SDN control center is a school project and is not a real thing. It should simulate how it could look and "feel".
The control center uses pre-defined buttons, to control the Cisco sandbox SD-Wan environment using the rest-API.
The whole project takes security very seriously, that's why SQL injections are not possible and passwords get stored in a md5 hash. Neither me nor anyone else has access to the password in your DB.
As you probably have seen many resource references (mainly in the HTML part) go to a website named That's my personal project and is not finished yet. The website is built similar, but there is no communication with Cisco. communicates with the Proxmox rest-API.
Read the Documentation -> Wiki
create table users (userID int AUTO_INCREMENT, username varchar(255) Not null, password char(32) Not null, status int, primary key (userID));
create table invitation (invID int AUTO_INCREMENT, inKey char(32) not null, primary key (invID));