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Web Angular Template

Project based on AngularCLI + webpack-must-have repo

  • Webpack version: 5+
  • Angular version: 17+
  • NodeJS version: 18+

How to run project

  1. Open project in VSCode (for example)
  2. Run command npm i in terminal (console) for installing all required packages (Node.js is required:
  3. For building project you can use the following commands:
    • npm run build - building production version (minimized and optimized). The project will be builded into dist folder. You can change destination in angular.json
    • npm start - for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
  4. For testing
    • npm test to execute the unit tests via Karma
    • ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via a platform of your choice. To use this command, you need to first add a package that implements end-to-end testing capabilities.

How to install packages for CI/CD

  • Before build without lint use npm ci --ignore-scripts --omit=optional --omit=peer

  • Before lint with auto-fix use npm i --ignore-scripts

  • Explanation for package.json

    • devDependencies - packages for dev & prod build (so for prod need dependencies + devDependencies)
    • dependencies - UI (client-side) packages
    • optionalDependencies - packages for linters & development (webpack-dev-server, ESLint, StyleLint etc.)

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.


  • Optimization (default). Code minification + cssnano
  • Optimization (default). Integrated with .browserslistrc so code optimized & compiled according to Can I Use
  • Optimization CI/CD. Packages split to different groups so with npm ci --ignore-scripts --omit=optional only minimal part is installed (required only for build)
  • Code. Extended TS config with path-alias @/...
  • Code. Extended & optimized Linters: ESLint, StyleLint, MarkdownLint
  • Code. Integrated prettier for strict code formatting (all except *.html)
  • Code. Integrated lint-staged + husky with pre-commit git hook
  • Styles. Integrated postcss-hover-media-feature to fix twice-tap issue on elements with hover effect in Safari
  • Styles. Integrated postcss-autoprefixer to auto-add missed vendor prefixes like -moz... when it's required according to .browserslistrc
  • Styles. Integrated postcss-normalize as modern alternative of css-reset based and based on .browserslistrc
  • Webpack. Integrated webpack-obsolete-plugin that shows Please update your browser if it doesn't match with .browserslistrc

Recommended npm-packages

  • web-ui-pack - nice package with form-controls, smart-popup, spinner etc. & useful helpers
  • ytech-js-extensions - generic extensions for Arrays, Dates (that lacks in web-ui-pack)

Recommended VSCode extensions



  • Impossible to install anything with npm i

    check if your NodeJS version matches with pointed in package.json: engines.node section (use NVM to easy manage NodeJS versions)

  • Impossible to run scripts from package.json

    try to change backslashes (npm-cli issue that flows between versions time to time) from .\\node_modules\\.bin\\webpack serve --open --config webpack.devServer.js" to ./node_modules/.bin/webpack serve --open --config webpack.devServer.js"