rosbag_recorder is a simple wrapper that lets you start and stop rosbag record with a single service call. Just call '/recorder' with argument 'true' and it will start recording to the path specified in the config (settings.cfg). Calling the service with argument 'false' will stop the recording and rosbag_recorder will wait in the background for another call.
- specify topics and path in rosbag_recorder.launch like in the example below, where a recording of topics
will be started:
<node pkg="rosbag_recorder" type="" name="rosbag_recorder" output="screen" >
<param name="topics" value="/test1 /test2" />
<param name="rosbagPath" value=" " />
- start recording with following command:
roslaunch rosbag_recorder rosbag_recorder.launch
Launching that node will start a service server that can be used to trigger and stop a recording. For example you can start the recording by tiping the following command into the console:
rosservice call /rosbag_recorder/recorder "data: true"
And stopping works like this:
rosservice call /rosbag_recorder/recorder "data: false"