WPRestSharp is client library for utilize WordPress REST API. Since it's a development version, there's a possibility that the specifications may change in the future.
WPRestSharp enables easy utilization of WordPress's REST API from .NET applications.
using System;
using WPRestSharp;
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
// Step 1: Initialize the client
var connInfo = new WPRestConnectionInfo()
var wpSv = await WPRestService.CreateAsync(connInfo);
// Step 2: Retrieve posts
var posts = await wpSv.Posts.GetAsync(new() { PerPage = 5, Order = WPRestQueryOrder.Asc });
foreach (var p in posts)
Console.WriteLine("Title: {0}", p.Title);
using System;
using WPRestSharp;
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
// Step 1: Initialize the client
var connInfo = new WPRestConnectionInfo()
.SetApplicationPassword("xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx");
var wpSv = await WPRestService.CreateAsync(connInfo);
// Step 2: Make a post
var newPost = wpSv.Posts.PostAsync(new()
Status = WPRestStatus.Publish,
Title = new WPRestRenderableText() { Raw = DateTime.Now + ": Test Article" },
Content = new WPRestRenderableText() { Raw = "hello, world !!" },
Categories = new WPRestCategoryId[] { 1 },
CommentStatus = WPRestReactionStatus.Closed,
PingStatus = WPRestReactionStatus.Open,
Console.WriteLine("Published at: {0}", newPost.Date);