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Write an I O plugin

Alessandro Bria edited this page Sep 4, 2018 · 2 revisions

To implement an I/O plugin named new_plugin to support new image file formats, a derived class of the following abstract classes have to be written and placed in the directory src/iomanager/plugins/new_plugin. Besides the .cpp file containing abstract methods implementation, a .h file must be added containing the following code:

#ifndef _newplugin_FORMAT_H
#define _newplugin_FORMAT_H

#include "../../IOPluginAPI.h"


#endif // _newplugin_FORMAT_H

To implement a 2D plugin, i.e. a plugin supporting formats for 2D images, you have to implement the following abstract interface defined by the iomanager::IOPlugin2D class contained in the src/iomanager/IOPluginAPI.h file.

Similarly, to implement a 3D plugin, you have to implement the interface defined by the iomanager::IOPlugin3D class.

Both 2D and 3D I/O plugins can be either input-only plugins or truly input/output plugins. The formers have an empty implementation of the output methods.