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Giulio Iannello edited this page Sep 1, 2018 · 7 revisions

In this step, TeraStitcher evaluates the displacements reliability according to a given threshold between 0(unreliable) and 1(reliable).

If reliability is lower than the given threshold, the displacement is substituted with a new one which uses nominal stages coordinates. If a tile does not have any reliable displacements with its neighbors, it is marked as a nonstitchable tile. Nonstitchable tiles can be optionally excluded from stitching in the Merge step.


  • an XML descriptor generated by the Project step or, alternatively, an XML descriptor in which one (and only one) displacement is stored for each pair of adjacent tiles.


  • absolute path of the XML descriptor (--projin)

Other inputs (optional)


  • XML descriptor saved at --projout containing one displacement for each pair of adjacent tiles.

Demo (command line)

terastitcher --displthres --projin=C:/volume/xml_displproj.xml" --threshold=0.7

Demo (GUI)

Click to play