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Analyzer PerformanceAnalyzers getRunMetaData

Dayne Broderson edited this page Dec 21, 2018 · 2 revisions

The module getRunMetaData contains the functions getRunMetaData and loadResults. getRunMetaData saves select meta data for a set of simulations into an SQL data base and a CSV file, as SetxResults.db and SetxResults.csv, respectively. getRunMetaData calls loadData to get data from one netCDF file. This test script contains a sample implementation.

projectSetDir Inputs

projectSetDir: the directory of the project set, such as projectName/OutputData/Setx where x is the set identifier.

runs: The simulation runs to analyze. This is a list of integers corresponding to the set numbers.

loadResults Input and Output

fileName: The filename of the netCDF file to load results from.

location: The directory of the netCDF file. This can be left empty.

returnTimeSeries: Is a bool value that indicates whether to return the time series of time stamps. If False, then the timeStep is returned. Otherwise the time stamp time series is returned. Default is False.

returns: [valMean, valSTD, valMax, valMin, valInt], val, time/timeStep

where valMean, valSTD, valMax, valMin, valInt are the mean, standard deviation, maximum, minimum and the integral over seconds of the netCDF value variable. val is the netCDF value variable with attributes Scale and Offset applied. time is the series of time stamps and timeStep is the mean time step of the time stamps. returnTimeSeries determines whether time or timeStep is returned.

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