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ElectricalEnergyStorage Class

Dayne Broderson edited this page Dec 21, 2018 · 4 revisions

This describes an electrical energy storage unit (ees).

Input Variables

eesID: The ees ID. Datatype: integer.

eesSOC: The initial state of charge of theees. Datatype: float.

eesStates: The initial operating state, 0 - off, 1 - starting, 2 - online. Datatype: integer.

timeStep: The length of the simulation steps in seconds. Datatype: integer or float.

eesDescriptor: The electrical energy storage descriptor XML file for this ees. This should be a string with a path and file name relative to the project folder, e.g., /InputData/Components/ees1Descriptor.xml.

timeSeriesLength: the number of steps in the simulation. Datatype: integer.


eesDescriptorParser(self, eesDescriptor): This opens and parses the electrical energy storage descriptor XML file and saves the information in local variables.

checkOperatingConditions(self): Checks if the ees is operating within defined bounds. If it is not, it will trigger the respective cumulative energy counters. If the value of the counter goes above a defined limit, a flag is set which will initiate the generator scheduler in the powerhouse.

findPchAvail(self, duration): This returns the available power the ees can accept for a given duration.

findPdisAvail(self,duration,kWReserved,kWsReserved): This returns the amount of discharge power that is available for a given duration (duration, seconds) given a certain discharge power (kWReserved, kW) and energy capacity (kWsReserved, kWs) are reserved and cannot be used.

findLoss(self,P,duration): This returns the loss in kWs for a certain power (P, kW) and duration (duration, s) given the current state of charge and the LossMap of the ees.

setSRC(self, SRC): This sets the required SRC (sets the local variable ees.eesSRC to input SRC, in kW) the ees is required to supply and finds the minimum state of charge (updates the local variable ees.eesMinSrcE, in kWs)

updatePScheduleMax(self): This updates local variable ees.eesPScheduleMax with the maximum power that the ees can be scheduled for when running the generator scheduler in power house

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