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Marc Mueller-Stoffels edited this page Nov 7, 2017 · 6 revisions

The wtgCurveAssembler module contains a class that assembles the necessary methods to estimate a wind turbine power curve at 0.1 m/s wind speed intervals from power data given at a lesser number of wind speed data points.

Several methods are useful in estimating power curves for wind turbines. For now, this module only implements calculation of via cubic splines. For a source discussing splines and other methods of estimation see Sohoni, Gupta and Nema, 2016


  • Inputs: data used as input is already from a cleaned up power curve. This tool is not intended to produce a power curve from operational time-series data, which would require cleaning and filtering. Thus, it is required that for each wind speed value one and only one power value exists. That is, temperature compensations, if desired will have to be handled separately.

  • cutOutWindSpeedMax describes the point beyond which the turbine is shut off for protection. Right at this point, it produces power at nameplate capacity levels (unless a specific and different value is given). Beyond this point the turbine is stopped and P = 0 kW.

  • cutOutWindSpeedMin describes the point where the turbine does not produce power any longer, e.g. P = 0 kW at this wind speed.

  • cutInWindSpeed is the minimum wind speed at which a stopped turbine starts up. At this point power production is immediately greater zero, i.e. cutOutWindSpeedMin < cutInWindSpeed.

WindPowerCurve class

The WindPowerCurve class contains methods to determine a wind power curve from data provided in the wtgDescriptor.xml file.

Input Variables:

  • powerCurveDataPoints: list of tuples of floats, e.g., [(ws0, p0), ... , (wsN, pN)], where ws and p are wind speed (m/s) and power (kW) respectively.

  • cutInWindSpeed: float, wind speed at which a stopped turbine begins to produce power again, m/s

  • cutOutWindSpeedMin: float, the wind speed at which the turbine does not produce power anymore due to lack of wind power, units are m/s

  • cutOutWindSpeedMax: float, the wind speed beyond which the turbine is stopped for protection, units are m/s.

  • POutMaxPa: float, nameplate power of the turbine, units are kW.

Output Variables:

  • powerCurve: list of tuples of floats, with a defined range ws = 0 m/s to ws = cutOutWindSpeedMax and some fixed points powerCurve = [(0,0), (cutOutWindSpeedMin, 0), ..., (cutOutWindSpeedMax, PCutOutWindSpeedMax), (>cutOutWindSpeedMax, 0)] Wind speeds are reported in increments of 0.1 m/s, power values are in kW.

  • powerCurveInt: list of tuples of integers derived from the float values in powerCurve by rounding to the nearest integer and typecasting from float to int. Wind speed data, to preserve resolution, is multiplied by 10, e.g., 3.6 m/s is now reported as 36, and power data is rounded to the next kW.


  • checkInputs: Internal method. Checks input data for basic consistency and ensures that there are no duplicate data points which could interfere with some of the curve approximations that assume there is a unique power value for each wind speed.

  • cubicSplineCurveEstimator: calculates a cubic spline for the given input data set with the constraints given by the power curve, cut-in and cut-out wind speeds, a condition that the boundary conditions be clamped, i.e., that the first derivative at the end points be zero, and with the condition that the spline not extrapolate to points outside the input interval. This method uses scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline for the cubic spline calculation.

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