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Windfarm Class

Dayne Broderson edited this page Dec 21, 2018 · 5 revisions

The Windfarm class contains WindTurbine objects that it dispatches based on power set points.


wtgIDS: A list of wind turbine IDs, which should be integers.

wtgSpeedDir: The directory (or list of directories the same length as wtgIDS) where the netCDF file containing the time series of wind speeds is located.

wtgStates: A list of the initial wind turbine operating states 0 - off, 1 - starting, 2 - online.

timeStep: The timestep the simulation is run at, in seconds.

wtgDescriptors: A list of wind turbine descriptor XML files for the respective wind turbines listed in wtgIDS, this should be a string with a path and file name relative to the project folder, e.g., /InputData/Components/wtg1Descriptor.xml.

timeSeriesLength: the number of steps in the simulation.

wtgDispatchFile: The path to the class that dispatches the wind turbines in the wind farm. Options included in the software package are listed here. A user can also write their own class which needs to follow the rules listed in the previous link.

wtgDispatchInputsFile: The path to the xml file that provides the inputs to the wtgDispatch. A copy of this file is saved in the projectName/Setup/UserInput/ folder. The file name will change to, for example, where projectName is the name of the project. If the user writes their own wtgDispatch class, then they will need to create their own projectWtgDispatchInput xml file as well.

runTimeSteps: The timesteps to run. This can be 'all', an integer that the simulation runs up till, a list of two values of the start and stop indices, or a list of indices of length greater than 2 to use directly. Defualt is 'all'.


runWtgDispatch(self, newWtgP, newWtgQ, tIndex): This runs the wind turbine dispatch and then checks the operating conditions of each wind turbine.

getWtgPAvail(self, idx): This updates the power available from each wind turbine based on the simulation time step.

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