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ThermalEnergyStorage Class

Dayne Broderson edited this page Dec 21, 2018 · 3 revisions

This describes a thermal energy storage (tes) class. Note that this is only a simple implementation. The internal temperature of the tes is not calculated or tracked. Thus there is no equivalent "state of charge". This would be a future feature.

Input Variables

tesID: The integer ID of the tes.

tesT: The initial temperature in Kelvin of the tes.

tesState: The initial operating state, 0 - off, 1 - starting, 2 - online.

timeStep: The length of the simulation steps in seconds.

tesDescriptor: The thermal energy storage descriptor XML files for the tes. This should be a string with a path and file name relative to the project folder, e.g., /InputData/Components/tes1Descriptor.xml.


tesDescriptorParser(self, tesDescriptor): This opens and parses the thermal energy storage descriptor XML files and saves the information in local variables.

checkOperatingConditions(self): Checks if the tes is operating within defined bounds. If it is not it will set a flag.

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