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Demand Class

Dayne Broderson edited this page Dec 21, 2018 · 3 revisions

This describes a load time series. This is used to represent electrical loads in the grid.

Input Variables

timeStep: The length of time steps the simulation is run at in seconds.

loadRealFiles: NetCDF files of the real load. They need to have the variables time and value. time needs to be in epoch time. value needs to have units of kW. This can be one file or a list of files that add up to the total load.

loadDescriptor: The load descriptor XML file. This should be a string with a path and file name relative to the project folder, e.g., /InputData/Components/load1Descriptor.xml.

loadReactiveFiles: This is not implemented yet, it is a future feature.

runTimeSteps: This indicates which simulation steps to run. If "all" of ":", then all steps will be run. If a single integer, then it will run up to that index. If two integers, then it will run from the first to the second integer. If it a list of length greater than 2, then they will be read as the actual indices to run. The default value is "all".


loadDescriptorParser(self, loadDescriptor): This opens and parses the load descriptor XML file and saves the information in local variables.

loadLoadFiles(self, loadFiles): Reads in the load files, if there are more than one, sum them, and returns the result.

checkNCFile(self, ncFile, isReal=True): This checks if there are any NAN values in the file, which will throw an error. If the units for the netCDF variable time are not s, sec or seconds (case insensitive) then it will throw an error. If isReal is True or False and the units for variable value are not kW or kvar (case insensitive) respectively, then it will throw an error. Otherwise, it will return the time and value arrays, with value scaled by netCDF variable value's attributes scale and offset by offset.

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