Normally you can run the project in development mode:
cd bitpin
python migrate
python createsuperuser
python runserver
The project can also be run in production mode using docker compose:
docker-compose up -d --build
docker exec -it bitpin_app python createsuperuser --settings=bitpin.production_settings
Or via Kubernetes (microk8s):
docker compose build
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=unless-stopped --name registry registry:2
docker tag bitpin:1.0.0 localhost:5000/bitpin:1.0.0
docker tag nginx:alpine localhost:5000/nginx:alpine
docker push localhost:5000/bitpin:1.0.0
docker push localhost:5000/nginx:alpine
mkdir manifests
find k8s/ -name "*.yml" | xargs -I{} cp {} manifests/
microk8s enable dns storage
microk8s kubectl apply -f manifests
microk8s kubectl get all
microk8s kubectl get pods --show-labels
microk8s kubectl label pods bitpin-nginx app=bitpin-nginx
microk8s kubectl exec -it <bitpin-app-pod-name> bash
python createsuperuser --settings=bitpin.production_settings
microk8s kubectl port-forward service/bitpin-nginx-service 8080:80
Then it's time to go to the /admin
and create some content instances. Next, check them all and/or rate them using the following endpoints:
Endpoint | HTTP Method | CRUD Method | Result |
api/v1/content/ |
GET | READ | Get all contents |
api/v1/rate/:content_id/ |
POST | CREATE | Create a new vote |
api/v1/rate/ |
POST | CREATE | Create a new vote |
api-token-auth/ |
POST | READ | Get a token |