A pagerduty chat bot using lins05/slackbot as a framework.
git clone https://github.com/aikram24/python-pagerduty-chatbot.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Generate an api token on slack web api page
- Update SLACK_API_TOKEN in slackbot_settings.py
- Generate bot user integration by going https://.slack.com/apps/build/custom-integration
- Update API_TOKEN in slackbot_settings.py
- Genrate Pagerduty token V2
- Update PAGER_DUTY_API in slackbot_settings.py
python run_bot.py
- ls oncall - list oncall users
- who( is|se) oncall - list oncall users
- eoc - list oncall users
- Oncall for
<Schedule Name>
- ls oncall for
<Schedule Name>
- list oncall users for specific schedule - who( is|se) oncall for
<Schedule Name>
- list oncall users for specific schedule - eoc for
<Schedule Name>
- list oncall users for specific schedule
Team Member assoicate with Schedule
- ls schedule - list all members for mentioned schedule
Services / Alert Help
- ls services - list all the services available for hail through API
- ls service for
<Service Name>
- Give the service API Key - trigger | trig | hail
<Service Name>
= Ping the group with message and will you give you the incident_key'