Use my vimrc config file to get a head-start with Vim.
- Code folding for bracket or indention based languages
- Edit multiple files in tabs using minibufexpl plugin
- Using the Solarized color scheme
- Using Vundle for plugin management (apt-get for Vim plugins)
- Common swp, backup, & view directories (No more ~ files left around)
- Useful defaults (spaces instead of tabs, remove trailing newlines, etc.)
- Solarized Color Scheme - colorscheme for the vim text editor
- Airline - Lean & mean status/tabline for vim
- Mini Buffer Explorer - Elegant tab bar showing open files
- Fugitive - the best Git wrapper of all time
- gist-vim - post current buffer(s) as a gist
- Gundo - visualize your Vim undo tree
- LargeFile - edit large files quickly
- CamelCaseMotion - CamelCase motion through words
- NERDTree - file tree explorer plugin
- nerdtree-git-plugin - show git status for files in NERDTree
- WakaTime - automatic time tracking and metrics about your programming
- Expand-Region - visually select increasingly larger regions of text
- CtrlP - fuzzy file finder, alternative to
or NERDTree. Open withCL
- Surround - quoting/parenthesizing made simple
- Python-Mode - detect runtime errors in Python code
Use a font patched for airline compatibility, like Anonymous Pro:
- Open iTerm 2, open Preferences, click on the "Profiles" icon in the preferences toolbar, then select the "colors" tab.
- Click on the "load presets" and select "import...".
- Select the Solarized Dark theme file.
git clone git://
./guake-colors-solarized/ solarized
set background=dark
More info on the official Solarized page.