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Compilable to Mach-O Never Gonna Give you up© programming language

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Compilable to Mach-O Never Gonna Give you up© programming language


  • x86_64 compilable
  • Object files in Mach-O format
  • Call external functions


  • Full System V support -> call any C or C++ function


Requires MachOBuilder to be installed:


mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j3
make install -j3


def giveYouUp() {
	let x = 0;
	let userData = input;
	while(x < userData) {
	    print fact(x);
	    x += 1;

def fact(x) {
    if (x <= 1){ ret 1; }
    ret fact(x - 1) * x;


NGGC help
--input        <input file> input file to be compiled .ngg format (source)
-o, --output   <output file> output file. a.out by default (mach-o executable)
-h, --help     show this help message
-c             object file only
-C             keep object file
--verbose      output debug information to the console
--lex          <.lex file> file to dump lexemes
--lst          <.lst file> file to dump detailed listing
-g             generate AST graph
-d             dump AST graph

Optimization features

Registers planning&management

Why use memory when you can use registers only?

This code does not use memory access at all (apart from requried call convention saves). Planner maps registers to variables and saves values to RAM only when all registers are exhausted.

def giveYouUp() {
	let i = 0;
	let res = 0;
	while (i < 100) {
		res += i * i;
		i += 1;
	print res;
0:  55                      push   rbp
1:  90                      nop
2:  48 89 e5                mov    rbp,rsp
5:  48 81 ec 10 00 00 00    sub    rsp,0x10
c:  b8 00 00 00 00          mov    eax,0x0
11: 49 89 c3                mov    r11,rax
14: b8 00 00 00 00          mov    eax,0x0
19: 48 89 c1                mov    rcx,rax
1c: 4c 89 d8                mov    rax,r11
1f: 49 89 c2                mov    r10,rax
22: b8 64 00 00 00          mov    eax,0x64
27: 49 89 c1                mov    r9,rax
2a: 48 31 c0                xor    rax,rax
2d: 4d 39 ca                cmp    r10,r9
30: 7d 05                   jge    0x37
32: b8 01 00 00 00          mov    eax,0x1
37: 48 85 c0                test   rax,rax
3a: 0f 84 23 00 00 00       je     0x63
40: 4c 89 d8                mov    rax,r11
43: 49 89 c2                mov    r10,rax
46: 4c 89 d8                mov    rax,r11
49: 49 0f af c2             imul   rax,r10
4d: 49 89 c2                mov    r10,rax
50: 4c 01 d1                add    rcx,r10
53: b8 01 00 00 00          mov    eax,0x1
58: 49 89 c2                mov    r10,rax
5b: 4d 01 d3                add    r11,r10
5e: e9 b9 ff ff ff          jmp    0x1c
63: 48 89 c8                mov    rax,rcx
66: 48 89 c7                mov    rdi,rax
69: 48 89 8d f0 ff ff ff    mov    QWORD PTR [rbp-0x10],rcx
70: 4c 89 9d f8 ff ff ff    mov    QWORD PTR [rbp-0x8],r11
77: e8 00 00 00 00          call   0x7c
7c: 48 81 c4 10 00 00 00    add    rsp,0x10
83: 5d                      pop    rbp
84: 90                      nop
85: c3                      ret

To achive that, special register planner was implemented. Its interface:

  • get temporary register => allocate register for tmp use.
  • get variable => get register used for variable, or, if it is not loaded yet, select least used at the moment register and load var to it.

It was essential to correctly work with structures that change program flow. For example, for the code to function correctly, it is neccessary that state of registers in the end of while will be tha same as the one at the beginning of condition. The same conception works for if-else structure. State at the end of if branch must be the same as one in the end of if condition.

In-loop variables usage optimizations

Before entering a loop, compiler checks for used variables and force-allocate registers for them. Thus, in-loop memory access is minimal.


  • Middle representation – Currently, machine code is generated directly from AST. That poses several issues on redundant code optimisations. Middle representation allows to optimize instructions like
mov    eax,0x0
mov    r11,rax
mov    r11,0x0
;=============== or even better
xor    r11,r11
  • AST-level optimizations – There are possibilities of high level optimizations. For example, constant expressions evaluation, unreachable code removal, and tail calls.


Main function:

giveYouUp() -> main()

Function definition:

def identifier(a, b, c, ...) {

Return value: ret ... ; Every function returns some value even if it is unspecified. All local variables are mutable. All functions can be accessed from extern object files.


*, -, +, / (int division), <, >, <=, >=, !=, ==,

Var declaration

Variables must be declared before their first use.

let name = 123;
let something;


Functions can have the same name and different number of arguments in the same file.

def poly(a) {
  print a;
def poly(a, b) {
  print a * b;


nggcload utility takes dumped AST graph structure and generates source code.

nggcload <dump file name>