A Gmail-like email platform that makes API calls to send and receive emails.
This project was done as part of the Harvard x EdX Course: CS50 Web Programming with Python and JavaScript.
- Download the zip file to this repository.
- In your terminal, cd into the 'mail' directory.
- Run
python manage.py runserver
and visit
- Backend Framework: Django and Python
- Database Modelling: SQLite
- Front End Languages: HTML, CSS and Javascript
All functionalities were done by calling the application's API (written in Python) using JavaScript.
- Done by the 'Compose' button in the sidepane.
- When a user submits the email composition form, a POST request is made to '/emails' (views.py: name=compose) to process the form into the database.
- Done by clicking the mailbox in the sidepane. The active mailbox will be highlighted in red in the sidepane.
- A GET request is sent to '/emails/str:mailbox' (views.py: name=mailbox) to request the email for the relevant mailbox.
- If a mail has been read, the email will be shown with a gray background. Else, it will appear white.
- Done by clicking on the email in the mailbox.
- A GET request is sent to '/emails/int:email_id' (views.py: name=email) to request the email.
- Shows the individual view and all contents of the email.
- Done via the archive/unarchive button in the individual email view. Only for inbox/ archived mail.
- Once marked as archived, the email will move from the inbox to the archive mailbox (and vice versa)
- A PUT request is sent to '/emails/int:email_id' (views.py: name=email).
- If a post has been read, the post can be 'marked as unread' via the button in the individual email view. Only for inbox/ archived mail.
- In the mailbox view, the email div will then have a white background instead of grey.
- A PUT request is sent to '/emails/int:email_id' (views.py: name=email).
- Done via the reply button in the individual email view.
- Users will be brought to the email composition form, where fields are prefilled:
- Recipient: set to whoever sent the original email,
- Subject: Start with 'Re:' followed by the original email's subject line
- Body: prefilled with the original email's body.