The .vimrc contains a bunch of settings I've changed over time to suit my personal needs, the plugins are just git submodules of the plugins that are used.
Use git clone --recurse-submodules
to copy the submodules over.
AutoComplPop: Used for Autocompletion
FZF/FZF Vim: Super fast fuzzy search
Lightline: Status bar for a bit more information
NerdTree: File Search
VimRuby: Bunch of ruby handiness (syntax highlighting, indentation, omnicompletion, tools and mappings)
VimRails: Bunch of rails handiness
TypeScriptVim: Mostly for syntax highlighting
vim-turbux: Allows testing current file with a single key (used in conjunction with Tmux)
vimux: Allows to send input to Tmux, used for the above use case. With a file open, we can hit a single key stroke and run tests in a new pane