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Amr Aboelela edited this page Oct 6, 2015 · 2 revisions

Parent page: Animation

  • I was loading data to GPU memory space in every animation frame, that's why the best rate I got was 50 fps (frame per second). To reach the fluid 60 fps, you have to load the data once into something called a texture when rendering, then reuse the same texture while compositing into different position or size. The way to do this is to use OpenGL library, and bypass XWindow X11 draw to window command.
  • Unlike what I was doing before, in case of compositing using OpenGL, they (Cocotron and GNUstep) actually composite the while Render Layer Tree in each frame! Which means I don't need to keep track of which Layer needs compositing and which don't. This seems to be the only way here, as they clear the window frame buffer in every frame, nevertheless, this can still get you 60 fps, as the bottleneck here is uploading data from CPU RAM to GPU RAM.
  • This technique of using the GPU more efficiently is called, hardware acceleration.
  • OpenGL is used often by game developers in iOS, Android and Window operating systems.

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