A Full-Stack Design Engineer specializing in JavaScript technologies. Professional experience with the technologies listed in the toolbox below. I create tech content, mostly about Web Development, but I also talk about topics other than coding. I'd advise you to subscribe to stay up-to-date!
I managed to create an online presence with my Blog, Posts on X, and YouTube channel, which are accessed by more than 50000 people monthly. Looking forward to reaching and helping more people by sharing my knowledge.
LaunchFast one command to a fully featured, secure, production-ready starter app that has everything you will ever need from a boilerplate or stack.
VerveUI a UI library for React with complete, composable, production-ready components that consume a beautiful, customizable, production-ready design system.
- Building LaunchFast in Public: Updates on Landing Page, Affiliate Partnerships & Stripe
- If you're a tech entrepreneur, you need to hear this
- Improving the conversion rate 💰
- LaunchFast.pro - Public roadmap 🗺️
- LaunchFast.pro Update - Upvote Roadmap Features 🎉
- The Dark Side Of The Grid (and Flexbox)
- Fluid Space Sizing
- Fluid Typography Sizing and Scales
- Remix Data Flow