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Project to automate Zombie+ (a copy of Disney+ platform) using playwright framework to write tests, postgres SQL and Docker to store and mantain data. REST API for backend validation, and github actions as pipeline for continuos integration.

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🤘 About

Repository for the Zombie Plus system's automated test project, built during the Playwright Zombie Edition course! Playwright is an open-source tool developed by Microsoft that revolutionizes test automation in web systems, offering an effective and highly reliable approach.

💻 Technologies

  • Node.js
  • Playwright
  • Javascript
  • Faker
  • PostgreSQL

🤖 How to run

  1. Clone the repository, install dependencies with npm install
  2. Run tests in Headless mode with npx playwright test
  3. View the test report with npx playwright show-report

📑 Documents

For this project two main documents were created:

📊 Database

We are using Postgres SQL as the main database that is running locally through Docker containers. In order to stablish connection to the postgres database we installed the pg library npm i pg --save-dev.


To manage requests from Zombie+ application we are using Insomnia.

⚙️ Commands

Running tests

To run playwright tests we need to run npx playwright test.

Note: playwright standard is to run tests in headless mode, you can run the assisted execution by adding --headed statement.

Some common statements are:

  • --headed to run the test in assisted mode
  • debug to run the test execution step by step in debbuger mode
  • ui to open playwright gui page

💡 Tricks

Temporary elements

To work with temporary components like toasts you can set a checkpoint or timeout to wait for the toast,

await page.getByText('seus dados conosco').click();

use playwright ui npx playwright test --ui to look for it, and then use the following code to get page html content and look for the complete element you need.

// handling toast and temporary elements
const content = await page.content();

Note: it might be required when working with temporary elements that are hard to interact with.

Validation of elements with same locator

Playwright handles validations against the same element locator or multielement locators as a forEach loop. It means that you can use arrays to declare what is expected and playwright will run it as a loop for each locator found to the given selector:

// working with multielement locators
await expect(page.locator('.alert')).toHaveText([
  'Campo obrigatório',
  'Campo obrigatório',


It is possible to use regex with locators and arguments or expected messages to create a more dynamic and reusable test structure.

Using regex to get only a piece of the url:

  async isLoggedIn() {
    await'networkidle'); // wait all network traffic is finished
    await expect(*admin/);

Using CSS selectors with regex span[class$=alert] to simplify element search:

  async alertHaveText(text) {
    const alert ='span[class$=alert]');
    await expect(alert).toHaveText(text);

Snake case

Javascript standard convension is to use camelCase model, although we are using snake_case notation in the MoviesPage just to match this project database and REST API notation which can provide a better data handling and management.

Elements relation by label

in HTML when there is a label for using the same value as the id of a child element it stablish a connection in between these elements:

<label for="title" class="sc-kAyceB cmzCot"
  ><span class="field-name">Titulo do filme</span
  ><input name="title" id="title" placeholder="Digite aqui" value=""

Note: the for value of the label (title) is the same as the input id value (title) which imply that they are related to each other.

and playwright allow you to use getByLabel function to look for the child element based into this connection:

  async create(title, overview, company, release_year) {
    await'Titulo do filme').fill(title)

Database connection for reliable and reusable test data

When working with tests data require data injection, a good practice is to stablish connections with the available database to manage the data available easly.

By using this approach you can generate independent, reusable, fresh data on every test execution, avoiding:

  • storage space consumption
  • flaky tests caused by mutable shared data
  • large loads of data to handle

To connect with the database we first need to provide the credentials:

const DbConfig = {
  user: 'username', // username to access your
  host: 'localhost', // since where running locally
  database: 'dbname', // db name where you want to run the query against
  password: 'password', // password to access your database
  port: 5432,

Note: you can get this information into your database properties.

then you stablesh the connection, handling errors with:

export async function executeSQL(sqlScript) {
  const pool = new Pool(DbConfig);

  try {
    const client = await pool.connect();

    const result = await client.query(sqlScript);
  } catch (error) {
    console.log('Erro ao executar o SQL ' + error);

Centralize Page Object Model (POM) imports

When using POM it is required to import each page context so you can actually use their own functions, as the application grows this imports can get out of hand though and represent a lot of your code lines.

One way to handle it is by defining a index.js file in the support folder that will empower the existent page context from playwright with all of your imports:

const { test: base } = require('@playwright/test');

const { LandingPage } = require('../pages/LandingPage');
const { LoginPage } = require('../pages/LoginPage');
const { MoviesPage } = require('../pages/MoviesPage');
const { Toast } = require('../pages/Components');

// create a updated page context that extends the actual page plus all POM imports injected
const test = base.extend({
  page: async ({ page }, use) => {
    await use({,
      landing: new LandingPage(page),
      login: new LoginPage(page),
      movies: new MoviesPage(page),
      toast: new Toast(page),

export { test };

after that you can replace the test import from playwright to your new context inside your test file:

// standard test import from playwright
const { test: base } = require('@playwright/test');
// new import from index.js
const { test } = require('../support');

Note: Javascript understands index.js files as the main ones, it means that even though you don't expecify it whitin the import this file will be use.

at the end you just need to update your test case to use the new format and remove all the old imports:

const { test } = require('../support');

const data = require('../support/fixtures/movies.json');
const { executeSQL } = require('../support/database');

test('deve poder cadastrar um novo filme', async ({ page }) => {
  // é importante estar logado
  const movie = data.create;
  await executeSQL(`DELETE FROM public.movies WHERE title = '${movie.title}';`);

  await page.login.visit();
  await page.login.submit('', 'pwd123');
  await page.movies.isLoggedIn();

  await page.movies.create(
  await page.toast.containText('Cadastro realizado com sucesso!');

Note: although it helps to centralize all import into a single file you need to consider it's impact into the execution performance once you'll load the context of all pages everytime instead of only the page specific contexts as before.

Update to import standard functions from page context

The approach used above to inject can be applied to centralize POM imports, but it causes standard playwright functions that comes with the page context to be lost.

In order to fix that we updated the index.js file to store the original page content into a variable and then injecting each individual page initialization to it:

const test = base.extend({
  page: async ({ page }, use) => {
    // store the original page context into a variable
    const context = page;

    // inject each individual page into the page context
    context['landing'] = new LandingPage(page);
    context['login'] = new LoginPage(page);
    context['movies'] = new MoviesPage(page);
    context['toast'] = new Toast(page);

    await use(context);

Note: at this point you should be able to use both native playwright and page specific functions.

Parallel execution issues

Playwright executes test cases and test suites in parallel by default:

module.exports = defineConfig({
  fullyParallel: true,

although when working with requests to the API of beforeAll hooks, this parallelization of execution can cause issues because this beforeAll will be called more than 1 time (it turns into a beforeEach basically), e.g. delete query that deletes movies in the middle of the test execution.

to fix that we can define playwright config file fullyParallel: false, which will still run suites in multitread, but will execute each individual test case at a time.

Define specific deletions

Another alternative to keep test cases running in parallel would be to set one deletion query for each test case that would delete test case specific movies by title:

test('deve poder cadastrar um novo filme', async ({ page }) => {
  const movie = data.create;
  await executeSQL(`DELETE FROM public.movies WHERE title='${movie.title}'`);

  await'', 'pwd123', 'Admin');
  await page.movies.create(movie);
  await page.popup.haveText(
    `O filme '${movie.title}' foi adicionado ao catálogo.`

✅ Best practices

Test independence

Playwright is build in a way that all test cases are executed simultaneasly so dependent test cases often fail once there is no assurance that they'll be executed in the same order every time.

With that said dependent test cases as those two here:

// register the movie
test('deve poder cadastrar um novo filme', async ({ page }) => {
  const movie = data.create;
  await executeSQL(`DELETE FROM public.movies WHERE title = '${movie.title}';`);
  await'', 'pwd123', 'Admin');
  await page.movies.create(movie);
  await page.toast.containText('Cadastro realizado com sucesso!');

// try to register the same movie again
test('não deve cadastrar quando o título é duplicado', async ({ page }) => {
  const movie = data.create;

  await'', 'pwd123', 'Admin');
  await page.movies.create(movie);
  await page.toast.containText(
    'Este conteúdo já encontra-se cadastrado no catálogo'

Are mostly likely going to fail once the duplicated scenario can run first and cause to movie to be successfully registered and then the movie registration scenarion runs secondly receiving the duplicated error message.

Note: other frameworks may allow you to run tests sequentially making it work, but it still a bad practice in automation as both tests might fail in case something happens in the process.

Page Object Model (POM)

When using POM it is import to keep the rules and folder structure to the letter so you avoid management issues in the future.

As an example we have the isLoggedIn function that is part of the user login validation and was previously defined inside the LoginPage,

  async isLoggedIn() {
    await'networkidle'); // wait all network traffic is finished
    await expect(*admin/);

although once you log in into the application you're no longer in the login page but in the movies page instead, so we created the MoviesPage file and moved the isLoggedIn function to it, and updated the login spec to keep up with the new page:

test('deve logar como administrador', async ({ page }) => {
  await loginPage.visit();
  await loginPage.submit('', 'pwd123');
  await moviesPage.isLoggedIn();

Custom Actions

Differently than the POM, custom actions model focus on specific and possible actions breaking free from the pages concept to allow a more flexible approach (e.g. Movies.js file will contain all actions related to movies - create, delete, and so on).

To make this change we updated the pages folder name to actions, removed Page from the file names and classes, and then made the required changes within the code:

Changes in index.js file to import the new classes and files:

const { test: base, expect } = require('@playwright/test');

const { Leads } = require('../actions/Leads');
const { Login } = require('../actions/Login');
const { Movies } = require('../actions/Movies');
const { Toast } = require('../actions/Components');

// create a updated page context that extends the actual page plus all POM imports
const test = base.extend({
  page: async ({ page }, use) => {
    // store the original page context into a variable
    const context = page;

    // inject each individual page into the page context
    context['leads'] = new Leads(page);
    context['login'] = new Login(page);
    context['movies'] = new Movies(page);
    context['toast'] = new Toast(page);

    await use(context);

export { test, expect };

Changes in the leads.spec.js file to call leads instead of landingPage:

const { test, expect } = require('../support');
const { faker } = require('@faker-js/faker');

test('deve cadastrar um lead na fila de espera', async ({ page }) => {
  const leadName = faker.person.fullName();
  const leadEmail =;

  await page.leads.visit();
  await page.leads.openLeadModal();
  await page.leads.submitLeadForm(leadName, leadEmail);

  const message =
    'Agradecemos por compartilhar seus dados conosco. Em breve, nossa equipe entrará em contato!';
  await page.toast.containText(message);

test('não deve cadastrar quando o email já existe', async ({
}) => {
  const leadName = faker.person.fullName();
  const leadEmail =;

  // send a new lead through API
  const newLead = await'http://localhost:3333/leads', {
    data: {
      name: leadName,
      email: leadEmail,

  // confirm status OK is returned (200-299)

  await page.leads.visit();
  await page.leads.openLeadModal();
  await page.leads.submitLeadForm(leadName, leadEmail);

  const message =
    'O endereço de e-mail fornecido já está registrado em nossa fila de espera.';
  await page.toast.containText(message);

test('não deve cadastrar com email incorreto', async ({ page }) => {
  await page.leads.visit();
  await page.leads.openLeadModal();
  await page.leads.submitLeadForm('Customer User', '');
  await page.leads.alertHaveText('Email incorreto');

test('não deve cadastrar quando o nome não é preenchido', async ({ page }) => {
  await page.leads.visit();
  await page.leads.openLeadModal();
  await page.leads.submitLeadForm('', '');
  await page.leads.alertHaveText('Campo obrigatório');

test('não deve cadastrar quando o email não é preenchido', async ({ page }) => {
  await page.leads.visit();
  await page.leads.openLeadModal();
  await page.leads.submitLeadForm('Customer User', '');
  await page.leads.alertHaveText('Campo obrigatório');

test('não deve cadastrar quando nenhum campo é preenchido', async ({
}) => {
  await page.leads.visit();
  await page.leads.openLeadModal();
  await page.leads.submitLeadForm('', '');
  await page.leads.alertHaveText(['Campo obrigatório', 'Campo obrigatório']);

Data handling

It is common to integrate your framework with the database to manage and handle the test data during it's execution, one good practice though is to refresh your data before your test execution:

test.beforeAll(async () => {
  await executeSQL(`DELETE FROM public.movies WHERE`);

Given that by deleting it after the test execution there will be no data to work with or troubleshoot in case you need to.

Using API requests

Once your project starts to become more complex you'll face test cases that will require duplicated steps to setup the actual test scenario (e.g. duplicated movie title scenario):

test('não deve cadastrar quando o título é duplicado', async ({ page }) => {
  const movie = data.duplicate;
  await page.movies.create(movie); // setup step to create a movie
  await page.movies.create(movie); // step to duplicate the movie
  await page.toast.containText(
    'Este conteúdo já encontra-se cadastrado no catálogo'

In this case we can use API requests to setup data in the backend:

const { expect } = require('@playwright/test');

export class Api {
  constructor(request) {
    this.request = request;
    this.token = undefined;

  // define setToken function to send a post request with the given JSON payload
  async setToken() {
    const response = await'http://localhost:3333/sessions', {
      data: {
        email: '',
        password: 'pwd123',

    // expect for any 2.. response status code

    // transform response into JSON and store token value into a variable
    const body = JSON.parse(await response.text());
    this.token = 'Bearer ' + body.token;

  async postMovie(movie) {
    // set the token to authenticate the user
    await this.setToken();

    // setup headers information
    const response = await'http://localhost:3333/movies', {
      headers: {
        Authorization: this.token,
        ContentType: 'multipart/form-data',
        Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
      // fill the body payload
      multipart: {
        title: movie.title,
        overview: movie.overview,
        company_id: 'b7289a60-19a3-4d65-9ec4-8a852fe07695',
        release_year: movie.release_year,
        featured: movie.featured,


and then we just need to import the request file to your main import file adding the new api context:

const { Api } = require('./api');

const test = base.extend({
  request: async ({ request }, use) => {
    const context = request;

    context['api'] = new Api(request);

    await use(context);

and finally call the function from within the test case:

test('não deve cadastrar quando o título é duplicado', async ({
}) => {
  const movie = data.duplicate;

  // setup the movie in the backend
  await request.api.postMovie(movie);

  // try to register the movie again
  await'', 'pwd123', 'Admin');
  await page.movies.create(movie);
  await page.toast.containText(
    'Este conteúdo já encontra-se cadastrado no catálogo'

Note: it is a good practice to create a separate api folder to keep all your api requests.

Create selector based and key/parent values

It is pretty common to have duplicated classes for elements like lists, tables and others, and in this case using the class is not ideal once you might enconter duplication issues even if you delete the previous data.

A better aproach is to use key values or parent elements to ensure a more assertive selector, and xpath is a good options for that so you could use //td[text()="Guerra Mundial Z"]/..//button. But Plawright have it's own way to handle this locators with getByRole function:

await page.getByRole('row', { name: movie.title }).getByRole('button').click();

Dotenv configuration file

When you start working with different environments it might be intersting to create a .env file that will store all your environment dependencies.

In order to use it you:

  1. First create and store the data into the .env file:

# Database
  1. Then, to manage your environments you can install dotenv library with npm install dotenv
  2. Import the dotenv configuration require('dotenv').config() to all the files you want to use them in
  3. Replace the data for the environment variables defined
// database.js

const DbConfig = {
  user: process.env.DB_USER,
  host: process.env.DB_HOST,
  database: process.env.DB_NAME,
  password: process.env.DB_PASSWORD,
  port: process.env.DB_PORT,
// api/index.js
const { expect } = require('@playwright/test');

export class Api {
  constructor(request) {
    this.baseApi = process.env.BASE_API

  // define setToken function to send a post request with the given JSON payload
  async setToken() {
    const response = await + '/sessions', {
      data: {
        email: '',
        password: 'pwd123',


We're using Tesults as reporter for that:

  1. Install Tesults with npm install playwright-tesults-reporter
  2. Add the reporter to playwright config file
  reporter: [
    ['playwright-tesults-reporter', { 'tesults-target': 'token' }],
  1. Go to your account on tesults
  2. Create a new project under configuration
  3. Link the project with the generated token
  reporter: [
    ['playwright-tesults-reporter', { 'tesults-target': process.env.TOKEN }],

Note: you'll need an account but there's a free version available and ideally you should store your token in a hidden file as a .env config file.

Curso disponível em


Project to automate Zombie+ (a copy of Disney+ platform) using playwright framework to write tests, postgres SQL and Docker to store and mantain data. REST API for backend validation, and github actions as pipeline for continuos integration.







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