A minimalistic blogging and portfolio website for the Production Engineering Track of the MLH Fellowship, developed with the Flask micro-web framework. Originally created with my Orientation Hackathon teammates, Lalo and Anh.
This website was developed using the Flask micro web framework for the Orientation Hackathon. The main pages of this personal website are the About page, the Portfolio page, the Blog page, and the Contact page. The goal is to reflect the Fellow in terms of their previous projects and their ongoing work, as showcased on the blogging section. The Fellow would be able to add new blog posts over time to log and share their progress and Fellowship experience. The blog data is stored in an SQLite database.
- Flask
- SQLite
- Python
- Javascript
The header is present on all pages. It includes the Fellow's name, a short tagline, and a cover image.
The About Me page displays a more detailed introduction of the Fellow, including a short paragraph, Education, Interest, Experience and Skills. The page was made as simple as possible to make room for later customizations.
The portfolio page displays all of the Fellow's projects, with each of them including a project name and short description. They link to their respective Github repositories.
The blog page is where the Fellow would be able to add new posts and display them. They each include a title, description, and image. By clicking on the view post button, the blog post view can be expanded to display more information.
By clicking on the Add post button on the Blog page, the Fellow can add a new post. The post information would be added onto the database and displayed on the blog page.
The contact page allows other people to send the Fellow a message via email. Social media accounts are displayed at the bottom and link to their respective pages.
The success page shows upon creating a new blog post or sending a message through the contact page.