The project concerns the analysis of the IT job market using data from GitHub, StackOverflow and other data sources. I have used SQL, Google Big Query and python data analysis libraries to analyze the data.
The data comes from various sources such as:
- StackOverflow data
- Stack Overflow 2018 Developer Survey
- GitHub data
- Web scraping from page
- Analysis of StackOverflow data - Analiza_StackOverflowData_zad_2.ipynb
- Analysis of GitHub data - Analiza_GitHub_zad_3.ipynb
- Web scraping - AS_web-scraping.ipynb,
Project is created with:
- Python 3.6,
- libraries: pandas, numpy, seaborn, matplotlib, requests, BeautifulSoup.
- SQL, Google BigQuery.
Running the project:
To run this project use Jupyter Notebook or Google Colab.
You can run the scripts in the terminal: