🔭 I’m currently working as a Software Development Engineer I at Amazon Inc.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Projects, Articles and Research Papers.
💬 Talk to me about Python, SDKs and Alexa.
My personal website made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Implementation of an automated warehouse scenario using CLINGO as per the "ASP Challenge 2019"
Implementation of A* baseline, A* lifelong and D* lite algorithm for the PACMAN world as per the research paper "D* Lite" by Sven Koenig and Maxim Likhachev.
Two different types of geospatial hotspot analysis: Hot zone analysis and Hot cell analysis on a joint point and rectangle dataset, and a NYC taxi trip dataset (2009 - 2012) using Apache Spark - Sc…
Scala 3
Information Dissemination in a graph using NetMelt, NetGel and NetShield Algorithms
An interactive visualization dashboard to determine the problems in St. Himark using social media data in a post-disaster scenario to recommend allocation of emergency resources & gather deeper ins…
Jupyter Notebook 1