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Container Minutes 7 Aug 2017

Deric Crago edited this page Nov 17, 2020 · 2 revisions


  • ryansb
  • j00bar
  • chouseknecht
  • fabianvf
  • bcoca
  • tima
  • ehelms
  • ttomecek (joined late)

Minutes from last meeting:!topic/ansible-container/_oi57RF-U1Q

  • j00bar moves to accept minutes: ** In favor: ryansb, chouseknecht, tima, fabianvf ** Abstain: j00bar, bcoca, ehelms

  • ttomecek joins the meeting

  • bcoca asks why we’re not using zoidbot in #ansible-meeting

    • ryansb replies that VMware WG has its meeting in #ansible-meeting at the same time slot
    • j00bar replies that noon US/Eastern is a reasonable timeslot for US/Pacific and CET as well
  • Buildah update from ttomecek

    • ttomecek says he’s waiting for prebake branch to land before making too much more progress
    • j00bar says the new plan is to make the conductor image using buildah and an Ansible playbook, and then mount /var/lib/containers into the conductor from the host in order to spawn/manage target containers
    • ttomecek says his intent is to land buildah support in parts - making a conductor will be part 1
    • j00bar asks if we’re okay with requiring Ansible be on the build host in order to build the conductor using buildah - ryansb and ttomecek agree we’re okay with it - ttomecek points out we can change our minds later too
  • Prebaked conductor bases

    • ryansb says progress being made. He’s having trouble with Jessie builds, but unsure if that’s a function of his build system. The build works in Travis.
    • ryansb hopes it will land in devel by end of week
  • Cloud Modules update

    • ryansb has had little time to work on them
    • chouseknecht added secret support to the family of Docker modules - thanks, House!

Meeting adjourned at 12:47pm US/Eastern

(ARchived) Working groups

Working groups are now in the Ansible forum

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Community, Contributor Experience, Docs, News, Outreach, RelEng, Testing

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Ansible Developer Tools:

Crypto, Foreman, GDrive, GitLab, Grafana, IPA, JBoss, MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Zabbix

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