Susanoo is a REST API security testing framework.
- Configurable inputs/outputs formats
- API Vulnerability Scan: Normal scanning engine that scans for IDOR, Authentication issues, SQL injections, Error stacks.
- Smoke Scan: Custom output checks for known pocs can be configured to run daily.
* API Vulnerability Scan
** Scans for following bugs:
*** Indirect Object References
*** Authentication issues
*** SQL injections
*** Error stacks
* Smoke Scan
** A known Proof-of-concept can be configured to run daily/weekly etc.
Susanoo takes yaml files in configuration. Please check the examples folder for sample configuration files.
resource --> static
Eg: In the following example the value "password" is used for grant_type:
password: {"type":"resource", "required":True, "value":"p@ssw0rd"}
Generate hex of length n.
Eg: a hex value of length 16 is generated for uniqueId in below example:
id: {'type':'hex-16', 'required': True}
Generates int of size n
Eg: a int value of size 4 is generated for uniqueId in below example:
bonus: {'type':'int-4', 'required':'True'}
Generates random email id
Eg: a random email id is generated and assigned for email_id
email_id: {"type":"email", "required":True}
Generates random username
Eg: a random username is generated and assigned for username
username: {"type":"username", "required":True}
Generates random strings
Eg: generates random strings of variable length.
string: {"type":"string", "required":True}
If you like the project, you can buy me beers :)
^^/D/projects >>> git clone
^^/D/projects >>> cd susanoo
^^/D/p/susanoo >>> sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
^^/D/p/susanoo >>> cd db
^^/D/p/s/db >>> sudo mongod --dbpath . --bind_ip=
^^/D/p/susanoo >>> python
- Use celery/scheduler to schedule the scans
- Chain apis together? pickup value from one api and use in another
- Add more vulnerability checks
- Make it more reliable
- Parallelize scans using Celery
- Add better reporting
- Go-Jek Security Team
- restfuzz