This is my collection of personal docker images. They are for public use. They are available at
All images have the following, so they are pefect for use on Circle Ci.
- Ubuntu Base
- Official Oracle JDK
- Google Cloud Tools (gcloud)
- Docker Ce
Docker tags:
Maintenance Commands:
docker build -t anuppuranik/gcloud-python3-node:latest -t anuppuranik/gcloud-python3-node:$(date '+%Y%m%d') - < Dockerfile
docker push anuppuranik/gcloud-python3-node:$(date '+%Y%m%d')
docker push anuppuranik/gcloud-python3-node:latest
OR if using padman
cd gcloud-python3-node
podman build -t anuppuranik/gcloud-python3-node:latest -t anuppuranik/gcloud-python3-node:$(date '+%Y%m%d') .
podman images
podman push <image_id> docker://