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badge badge badge is an API that encodes on the go to facilitate immediate playback, enhancing viewer streaming experiences across multiple devices and platforms. You can stream live or on-demand online videos within minutes.

Deprecation warning

This project is deprecated. It won't be updated anymore, no support will be provided, and it may not be fully compatible with the API anymore. Please use instead.

Scrutinizer Code Quality Build Status

The web-service helps you put video on the web without the hassle. This documentation helps you use the corresponding PHP client.


composer require api-video/php-sdk

Quick start


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// Authenticate in production environment
$client = ApiVideo\Client\Client::create('yourProductionApiKey');

// Alternatively, authenticate in sandbox environment for testing
$client = ApiVideo\Client\Client::createSandbox('yourSandboxApiKey');

// Create and upload a video resource from local drive
$video = $client->videos->upload(
    array('title' => 'Course #4 - Part B')

// Display embed code
echo $video->assets['iframe'];
// <iframe src="" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Advanced usage

// Create and upload a video resource from online source (third party)
$video = $client->videos->download(
    'Course #4 - Part B'

// Update video properties
        'tags' => array('course', 'economics', 'finance')

// Search video by tags filter and paginate results
$videos = $client->videos->search(
        'currentPage' => 1, 
        'pageSize' => 25, 
        'tags' => array('finance')

foreach ($videos  as $video) {
    echo $video->title."\n";

// Delete video resource

// Upload a video thumbnail
$client->videos->uploadThumbnail('/path/to/thumbnail.jpg', $video->videoId);

// Update video thumbnail by picking image with video timecode
$client->videos->updateThumbnailWithTimeCode($video->videoId, '00:15:22.05');

// Create players with default values
$player = $client->players->create();

// Get a player
$player = $client->players->get($player->playerId);

// Search a player with paginate results
$players = $client->players->search(array('currentPage' => 1, 'pageSize' => 50));

$properties = array(
    'shapeMargin' => 10,
    'shapeRadius' => 3,
    'shapeAspect' => 'flat',
    'shapeBackgroundTop' => 'rgba(50, 50, 50, .7)',
    'shapeBackgroundBottom' => 'rgba(50, 50, 50, .8)',
    'text' => 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .95)',
    'link' => 'rgba(255, 0, 0, .95)',
    'linkHover' => 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .75)',
    'linkActive' => 'rgba(255, 0, 0, .75)',
    'trackPlayed' => 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .95)',
    'trackUnplayed' => 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .1)',
    'trackBackground' => 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)',
    'backgroundTop' => 'rgba(72, 4, 45, 1)',
    'backgroundBottom' => 'rgba(94, 95, 89, 1)',
    'backgroundText' => 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .95)',
    'enableApi' => false,
    'enableControls' => true,
    'forceAutoplay' => false,
    'hideTitle' => false,
    'forceLoop' => false

// Update player properties
$client->players->update($player->playerId, $properties);

// Upload player logo
$client->players->uploadLogo('/path/to/logo.png', $playerId, '');

// Delete a player

// Upload video caption
        'videoId' => $video->videoId, 
        'language' => 'en'

// Get video caption by language
$caption = $client->captions->get($video->videoId, 'en');

// Update the default caption language
$client->captions->updateDefault($video->videoId, 'en', true);

//Delete caption by language
$client->captions->delete($video->videoId, 'en');

// Upload video chapter
        'videoId' => $video->videoId, 
        'language' => 'en'

// Get video chapter by language
$chapter = $client->chapters->get($video->videoId, 'en');

//Delete chapter by language
$client->chapters->delete($video->videoId, 'en');

// Create a live stream container
$liveStream = $client->lives->create('Test live');
// Get the RTMP stream key
$streamKey = $liveStream->streamKey;

//// Raw statistics

// List video player sessions 
$videoSessions = $client->analyticsVideo->search($video->videoId);
// List video player sessions for the month of July 2018 with pagination
$videoSessionsJuly2018 = $client->analyticsVideo->search($video->videoId, '2018-07', array(), array('currentPage' => 1, 'pageSize' => 100));

// Get video session events for a sessionId
$videoSessionEvents = $client->analyticsSessionEvents->get($videoSessions[0]->session->sessionId);

// List video player sessions 
$liveSessions = $client->analyticsLive->search($liveStream->liveStreamId);
// List video player sessions for the month of July 2018 with pagination
$liveSessionsJuly2018 = $client->analyticsLive->search($video->videoId, '2018-07', array(), array('currentPage' => 1, 'pageSize' => 100));

// Get video session events for a sessionId
$liveSessionEvents = $client->analyticsSessionEvents->get($liveSessions[0]->session->sessionId);

// Generate a token for delegated upload
$token = $client->tokens->generate();

Full API

 *         VIDEO                 *
// Show a video

// List or search videos
$client->videos->search($parameters = array(), $callback = null);

// Create video properties
$client->videos->create($title, $properties = array());

// Upload a video media file
// Create a video, if videoId is null
$client->videos->upload($source, $properties = array(), $videoId = null);

// Create a video by downloading it from a third party
$client->videos->download($source, $title, $properties = array());

// Update video properties
$client->videos->update($videoId, $properties = array());

// Set video public

// Set video private

// Delete video (file and data)

// Get last video request Error

// Delegated upload (generate a token for someone to upload a video into your account)
$token = $client->tokens->generate(); // string(3): "xyz"
// ...then upload from anywhere without authentication:
// $ curl -F file=@video.mp4

 *         VIDEO THUMBNAIL       *

// Upload a thumbnail for video
$client->videos->uploadThumbnail($source, $videoId);

// Update video's thumbnail by picking timecode
$client->videos->updateThumbnailWithTimeCode($videoId, $timecode);

// Get last video request Error

 *         VIDEO CAPTIONS        *

// Get caption for a video
$client->captions->get($videoId, $language);

// Get all captions for a video

// Upload a caption file for a video (.vtt)
$client->captions->upload($source, $properties = array());

// Set default caption for a video
$client->captions->updateDefault($videoId, $language, $isDefault);

// Delete video's caption
$client->captions->delete($videoId, $language);

// Get last video captions request Error

 *         VIDEO CHAPTERS        *

// Get chapter for a video
$client->chapters->get($videoId, $language);

// Get all chapters for a video

// Upload a chapter file for a video (.vtt)
$client->chapters->upload($source, $properties = array());

// Delete video's chapter
$client->chapters->delete($videoId, $language);

// Get last video chapters request Error

 *         PLAYERS               *

// Get a player

// List players
$client->players->search($parameters = array(), $callback = null);

// Create a player
$client->players->create($properties = array());

// Update player's properties
$client->players->update($playerId, $properties);

// Upload player logo
$client->players->uploadLogo('/path/to/logo.png', $playerId, '');

// Delete a logo

// Delete a player

// Get last players request Error

 *         LIVE                 *

// Show a live

// List or search lives
$client->lives->search($parameters = array(), $callback = null);

// Create live properties
$client->lives->create($name, $properties = array());

// Update live properties
$client->lives->update($liveStreamId, $properties = array());

// Set live public

// Set live private

// Delete live (file and data)

// Get last live request Error

 *         LIVE THUMBNAIL       *

// Upload a thumbnail for live
$client->lives->uploadThumbnail($source, $liveStreamId);

 *         ANALYTICS             *

// Search videos analytics between period, filter with tags or metadata
$client->analyticsVideo->search($videoId, $period, $metadata, $parameters);

// Get last video analytics request Error

// Search live stream analytics between period, filter with tags or metadata
$client->analyticsLive->search($liveStreamId, $period, $parameters);

// Get last live analytics request Error

// Get session events analytics
$client->analyticsSessionEvents->search($sessionId, $parameters);

// Get last sesion events analytics request Error

Full API Details Implementation


Function Parameters Description Required Allowed Values
get videoId(string) Video identifier ✔️ -
search - - - -
- parameters(array) Search parameters
  • currentPage(int)
  • pageSize(int)
  • sortBy(string)
  • sortOrder(string)
  • title(string)
  • description(string)
  • tags(string|array(string))
  • metadata(array())
- callback(function) callback function -
create - - - -
- title(string) Video title ✔️ -
- properties(array) Video properties
  • description(string)
  • tags(array(string))
  • playerId(string)
  • metadata(array(
    'key' => 'Key1',
    'value' => 'value1'
    'key' => 'Key2',
    'value' => 'value2'
upload - - - -
- source(string) Video media file ✔️ -
- properties(array) Video properties
  • title(string)
  • description(string)
  • tags(array(string))
  • playerId(string)
  • metadata(array(
    'key' => 'Key1',
    'value' => 'value1'
    'key' => 'Key2',
    'value' => 'value2'
- videoId(string) Video identifier -
download - - - -
- source(string) Video media file ✔️ -
- title(string) Video title ✔️ -
- properties(array) Video properties
  • description(string)
  • tags(array(string))
  • playerId(string)
  • metadata(array(
    'key' => 'Key1',
    'value' => 'value1'
    'key' => 'Key2',
    'value' => 'value2'
uploadThumbnail - - - -
- source(string) Image media file ✔️ -
- videoId(string) Video identifier ✔️ -
updateThumbnailWithTimeCode - - - -
- videoId(string) Video identifier ✔️ -
- timecode(string) Video timecode ✔️ 00:00:00.00
update - - - -
- videoId()string Video identifier ✔️ -
- properties(array) Video properties ✔️
  • title(string)
  • description(string)
  • tags(array(string))
  • playerId(string)
  • metadata(array(
    'key' => 'Key1',
    'value' => 'value1'
    'key' => 'Key2',
    'value' => 'value2'
setPublic videoId(string) Video identifier ✔️ -
setPrivate videoId(string) Video identifier ✔️ -
delete videoId(string) Video identifier ✔️ -


Function Parameters Description Required Allowed Values
get playerId(string) Player identifier ✔️ -
create properties(array) Player properties
  • shapeMargin(int)
  • shapeRadius(int)
  • shapeAspect(string)
  • shapeBackgroundTop(string)
  • shapeBackgroundBottom(string)
  • text(string)
  • link(string)
  • linkHover(string)
  • linkActive(string)
  • trackPlayed(string)
  • trackUnplayed(string)
  • trackBackground(string)
  • backgroundTop(string)
  • backgroundBottom(string)
  • backgroundText(string)
  • enableApi(bool)
  • enableControls(bool)
  • forceAutoplay(bool)
  • hideTitle(bool)
update - - - -
- playerId(string) Player identifier ✔️ -
- properties(array) Player properties ✔️
  • shapeMargin(int)
  • shapeRadius(int)
  • shapeAspect(string)
  • shapeBackgroundTop(string)
  • shapeBackgroundBottom(string)
  • text(string)
  • link(string)
  • linkHover(string)
  • linkActive(string)
  • trackPlayed(string)
  • trackUnplayed(string)
  • trackBackground(string)
  • backgroundTop(string)
  • backgroundBottom(string)
  • backgroundText(string)
  • enableApi(bool)
  • enableControls(bool)
  • forceAutoplay(bool)
  • hideTitle(bool)
uploadLogo - - - -
- source(string) Image media file ✔️ -
- playerId(string) Player identifier ✔️ -
- link(string) Link url -
deleteLogo playerId(string) Player identifier ✔️ -
delete playerId(string) Player identifier ✔️ -


Function Parameters Description Required Allowed Values
get - - - -
- videoId(string) Video identifier ✔️ -
- language(string) Language identifier ✔️ 2 letters (ex: en, fr)
getAll videoId(string) Video identifier ✔️ -
upload - - - -
- source(string) Caption file ✔️ -
- properties(string) Caption properties ✔️
  • videoId(string)
  • language(string - 2 letters)
updateDefault - (array) - - -
- videoId Video identifier ✔️ -
- language (string) Language identifier ✔️ 2 letters (ex: en, fr)
- isDefault (string) Set default language ✔️ true/false
delete - (boolean) - - -
- videoId Video identifier ✔️ -
- language (string) Language identifier ✔️ 2 letters (ex: en, fr)


Function Parameters Description Required Allowed Values
get - - - -
- videoId(string) Video identifier ✔️ -
- language(string) Language identifier ✔️ 2 letters (ex: en, fr)
getAll videoId(string) Video identifier ✔️ -
upload - - - -
- source(string) Chapter file ✔️ -
- properties(string) Chapter properties ✔️
  • videoId(string)
  • language(string - 2 letters)
delete - (boolean) - - -
- videoId Video identifier ✔️ -
- language (string) Language identifier ✔️ 2 letters (ex: en, fr)

Live streams

Function Parameters Description Required Allowed Values
get liveStreamId(string) Live identifier ✔️ -
search - - - -
- parameters(array) Search parameters
  • currentPage(int)
  • pageSize(int)
  • sortBy(string)
  • sortOrder(string)
- callback(function) callback function -
create - - - -
- name(string) Live name ✔️ -
- properties(array) Live properties
  • record(boolean)
  • playerId(string)
uploadThumbnail - - - -
- source(string) Image media file ✔️ -
- liveStreamId(string) Live identifier ✔️ -
update - - - -
- liveStreamId(string) Live identifier ✔️ -
- properties(array) Live properties ✔️
  • title(string)
  • description(string)
  • tags(array(string))
  • playerId(string)
  • metadata(array(
    'key' => 'Key1',
    'value' => 'value1'
    'key' => 'Key2',
    'value' => 'value2'
setPublic liveStreamId(string) Live identifier ✔️ -
setPrivate liveStreamId(string) Live identifier ✔️ -
delete liveStreamId(string) Live identifier ✔️ -


Function Parameters Description Required Allowed Values/Format
search parameters(array) Search parameters
  • Pagination/Filters:
  • currentPage(int)
  • pageSize(int)
  • sortBy(string)
  • sortOrder(string)
  • tags(string|array(string))
  • metadata(array(string))
  • Period:
  • For a day : 2018-01-01
  • For a week: 2018-W01
  • For a month: 2018-01
  • For a year: 2018
  • Date range: 2018-01-01/2018-01-15
  • Week range: 2018-W01/2018-W03
  • Month range: 2018-01/2018-03
  • Year range: 2018/2020
- videoId(string) Video identifier ✔️ -
- period (string) Period research
  • For a day : 2018-01-01
  • For a week: 2018-W01
  • For a month: 2018-01
  • For a year: 2018
  • Date range: 2018-01-01/2018-01-15
  • Week range: 2018-W01/2018-W03
  • Month range: 2018-01/2018-03
  • Year range: 2018/2020
- metadata (array) Metadata research -


Function Parameters Description Required Allowed Values/Format
search parameters(array) Search parameters
  • Pagination/Filters:
  • currentPage(int)
  • pageSize(int)
  • sortBy(string)
  • sortOrder(string)
  • Period:
  • For a day : 2018-01-01
  • For a week: 2018-W01
  • For a month: 2018-01
  • For a year: 2018
  • Date range: 2018-01-01/2018-01-15
  • Week range: 2018-W01/2018-W03
  • Month range: 2018-01/2018-03
  • Year range: 2018/2020
- liveStreamId(string) Live identifier ✔️ -
- period (string) Period research
  • For a day : 2018-01-01
  • For a week: 2018-W01
  • For a month: 2018-01
  • For a year: 2018
  • Date range: 2018-01-01/2018-01-15
  • Week range: 2018-W01/2018-W03
  • Month range: 2018-01/2018-03
  • Year range: 2018/2020


Function Parameters Description Required Allowed Values/Format
search - - - -
- sessionId(string) Session identifier ✔️ -
- parameters(array) Search parameters
  • currentPage(int)
  • pageSize(int)


Function Parameters Description Required Allowed Values
generate - Token for delegated upload - -


Function Parameters Description Required Allowed Values
get - Get account informations (quota, features) - -

More on

A full technical documentation is available on