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Releases: ariga/atlas-action


22 Feb 09:51
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This is a major release of the Atlas GitHub Actions that unifies existing actions in to this repository. This change doesn't introduce significant new technical capabilities but contains breaking API changes with the following goals:

  1. We've moved all actions into a single repo - ariga/atlas-action. (With the exception of ariga/setup-atlas.)
  2. The API has been reviewed and updated to make sure it is consistent among the different actions and with the rest of the Atlas ecosystem.
  3. We've rewritten the code in Go, which is the language we use for all of our internal tools. This allows us to share code between the CLI and the GitHub Actions, and to provide a more consistent experience between the two. In addition, looking forward we have greatly simplified the process of adding new GitHub Actions as needed.

Deprecation Notice

As part of this change we are deprecating the previous generation of GitHub Actions, and we encourage you to migrate to the new ones as soon as possible. The old actions will continue to work for the time being, but we will not be receiving any updates. These actions are:

The new actions are:

Action Use Case
ariga/setup-atlas Install Atlas from a GitHub Actions workflow
ariga/atlas-action/migrate/lint CI for schema changes
ariga/atlas-action/migrate/push Push your migration directory to Atlas Cloud (
ariga/atlas-action/migrate/apply Deploy versioned migrations from GitHub Actions

Full Changelog: v0.2.4...v1.0.0


24 Apr 14:31
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What's Changed

  • .github/workflow: add end to end tests by @ronenlu in #134
  • atlasaction: enrich run ctx with actor name and id by @ronenlu in #135
  • fix not sending url in conext by @ronenlu in #136
  • atlasaction: add msg to run migrate hash after committing suggestion by @ronenlu in #138
  • atlasaction: add working-directory to input of actions by @ronenlu in #139
  • atlasaction: support passing vars to action by @ronenlu in #140
  • all: add support for migrate down by @masseelch in #141
  • .github: update go version in unit-tests action by @ronenlu in #145
  • atlasaction: fix not having suggestions when working dir is set by @ronenlu in #147

Full Changelog: v1.0.9...v1.0.11


22 Feb 09:43
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fix binary removal (#133)


13 Feb 11:26
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atlasaction: change dry-run tests (#116)


12 Aug 09:51
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What's Changed

  • src/input: support setting the config file path from the action by @rotemtam in #59

Full Changelog: v0.2.7...v0.2.8


20 Apr 11:05
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.2.5...v0.2.6


31 Jan 15:34
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atlas-action is a GitHub action to run Atlas's migration lint functionality that can be used to provide CI for database schema changes.

What's Changed

  • src: add a warning to report if there is a token but an error reporting to cloud by @masseelch in #45
  • all: transition to Atlas Cloud by @masseelch in #47
  • action: change input param to cloud-token by @rotemtam in #48

Learn more

To learn more about CI for database schema changes, read the docs or the announcement

Full Changelog: v0...v0.2.5


26 Oct 12:02
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atlas-action is a GitHub action to run Atlas's migration lint functionality that can be used to provide CI for database schema changes.

What's new

This release of atlas-action includes:

  • A mechanism to update users about newer versions of atlas-action.

Learn more

To learn more about CI for database schema changes, read the docs or the announcement


20 Sep 07:35
@a8m a8m
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atlas-action is a GitHub action to run Atlas's migration lint functionality that can be used to provide CI for database schema changes.

What's new

This release of atlas-action includes:

  • A better integration with GitHub Pull Requests - get feedback from the linter as comments on your PR.
  • Support for Atlas Project Files - support for fine-grained linting policies.
  • Many more small fixes and improvements.

Learn more

To learn more about CI for database schema changes, read the docs or the announcement