Converts various Arx Fatalis formats (DLF, FTS, LLF, AMB and FTL) to JSON/YAML and back
IMPORTANT: Arx Fatalis files are partially compressed. See "compression" section for more info
npm i arx-convert -g
This will give you access to the following commands, both do the same:
nodejs 18+ (because the lib uses prefix-only core modules)
It might work with older versions of nodejs, but I haven't tested it there.
arx-convert <inputfile> --from=<format> --to=<format> --output=<outputfile> [--format] [--pretty] [--prettify]
the inputfile and --output parameters can be omitted and then the code can be used in pipelines
cat <inputfile> | arx-convert --from=<format> --to=<format> > <outputfile>
the <format>
parameter can be one of the following arx formats: dlf
, llf
, fts
, amb
or ftl
work in progress formats: tea
and it can also a data format for the other side: json
and yaml
(can also be spelled as yml
prettifying the json output can be done by using any of the 3 parameters: --format
, --pretty
or --prettify
# prints out version
# converts an unpacked fts file to a json through piping
cat fast.fts.unpacked | arx-convert --from=fts --to=json --prettify > fast.fts.json
# converts an unpacked dlf file to a minified json through files
arx-convert level8.dlf.unpacked --from=dlf --to=json --output=level8.dlf.min.json
# converts a json to an unpacked dlf
cat level8.dlf.min.json | arx-convert --from=json --to=dlf > level8.dlf.repacked
# converts json to an unpacked fts
arx-convert fast.fts.json --from=json --to=fts --output=fast.fts.repacked
# converts an unpacked dlf to yaml
cat level8.dlf.unpacked | arx-convert --to=yaml --from=dlf > level8.dlf.yml
# converts yaml to an unpacked dlf
cat level8.dlf.yml | arx-convert --from=yaml --to=dlf > level8.dlf.repacked
The package is published as a commonjs lib and the files can be found in the dist
folder, but only if you
install it via npm. If you downloaded the source files from github, then you need to transpile the typescript
files yourself using the npm run build
The built js files come with sourcemaps, which you can use by running your nodejs file with the --enable-source-maps flag
const fs = require('node:fs')
const path = require('node:path')
const { FTS } = require('arx-convert')
;(async () => {
// reads an unpacked fts file into a buffer
const binary = await fs.promises.readFile(path.resolve(__dirname, './fast.fts.unpacked'))
// converts the buffer into a json using the FTS converter
const json = FTS.load(binary)
// save as a minified json
await fs.promises.writeFile(path.resolve(__dirname, './fast.fts.min.json'), JSON.stringify(json), 'utf-8')
// save as a formatted json
await fs.promises.writeFile(path.resolve(__dirname, './fast.fts.json'), JSON.stringify(json, null, 2), 'utf-8')
import fs from 'node:fs'
import path from 'node:path'
import { DLF } from 'arx-convert'
import { ArxDLF } from 'arx-convert/types'
;(async () => {
// reads an unpacked dlf file into a buffer
const binary = await fs.promises.readFile(path.resolve(__dirname, './level1.dlf.unpacked'))
// converts the buffer into a json using the DLF converter
// optionally you can assign a type to the variable
const json: ArxDLF = DLF.load(binary)
// save as a minified json
await fs.promises.writeFile(path.resolve(__dirname, './level1.dlf.min.json'), JSON.stringify(json), 'utf-8')
// save as a formatted json
await fs.promises.writeFile(path.resolve(__dirname, './level1.dlf.json'), JSON.stringify(json, null, 2), 'utf-8')
Some Arx Fatalis files are partially compressed with Stormlib Pkware and you need a separate tool for unpacking/repacking: node-pkware
Also, Arx Fatalis file headers are not constant in size, but there is a tool that can give you the exact offset you need to pipe into node-pkware: arx-header-size
Install these tools by running
npm i node-pkware arx-header-size -g
arx-header-size level3.dlf --format=dlf # this will print out 8520
explode level3.dlf --offset=8520 --output=level3.dlf.unpacked
arx-convert level3.dlf.unpacked --from=dlf --to=yaml --output=level3.dlf.yml
arx-convert level3.dlf.yml --from=yaml --to=dlf --output=level3.dlf.repacked
implode level3.dlf.repacked --offset=8520 --binary --large --output=level3.dlf
# usage: goblin_lord.ftl
# ../goblin_lord/goblin_lord.ftl json
# try reading the 1st argument from the command line
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "missing filename, expected format: $0 <filename>"
exit 1
# read the 1st argument
# get the extension of the input file's name and make it lowercase
echo $INPUT \
| tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' \
| tr '.' '\n' \
| tail -1 \
# if a 2nd argument exists, then read it, otherwise set yaml as the output format
if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
# get the offset in bytes, might also get back "not compressed"
OFFSET=$(arx-header-size $INPUT --format=$INPUT_FORMAT)
if [[ $OFFSET == "not compressed" ]]; then
arx-convert $INPUT --from=$INPUT_FORMAT --to=$OUTPUT_FORMAT --pretty --output="$INPUT.$OUTPUT_FORMAT"
explode $INPUT --offset=$OFFSET | arx-convert --from=$INPUT_FORMAT --to=$OUTPUT_FORMAT --pretty --output="$INPUT.$OUTPUT_FORMAT"
# usage: level3.dlf.json
# ../level3/level3.dlf.json
# try reading the 1st argument from the command line
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "missing filename, expected format: $0 <filename>"
exit 1
# read the 1st argument
# something.ftl.json -> json
echo $INPUT \
| tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' \
| tr '.' '\n' \
| tail -1 \
# something.ftl.json -> ftl
echo $INPUT \
| tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' \
| tr '.' '\n' \
| tail -2 \
| head -1 \
arx-convert $INPUT --from=$INPUT_FORMAT --to=$OUTPUT_FORMAT --pretty --output="$INPUT.$OUTPUT_FORMAT.tmp"
# get the offset in bytes, might also get back "not compressed"
OFFSET=$(arx-header-size $INPUT --format=$OUTPUT_FORMAT)
if [[ $OFFSET == "not compressed" ]]; then
implode "$INPUT.$OUTPUT_FORMAT.tmp" --offset=$OFFSET --binary --large --output="$INPUT.$OUTPUT_FORMAT"
now takes a 2nd parameter to control whether the given fts data should be marked as compressed
or uncompressed, true)
-> fts files get compressed (true can be omitted as it is the default value), false)
-> marks the fts file as uncompressed, no pkware compression is required afterwards