Hello my name is Rakha Asyrofi, I come from Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia, Now, I'm now as as Doctoral Student in Insitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) at Information System Department. I have master's degree in Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) and bachelor's applied science degree in Electronic Engineer from Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS).
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Currently I've graduate as a Master's Student Degree at Informatics ITS and Bachelor Applied Science at Electronics PENS 👍
My Research talk about Brain Segmentation, Face Detection, Traceability Requirements, Extraction Requirements, Supply Management System , Interdependency Requirement Extraction , Bluetooth Low Energy , and many more.
I'm electronic and data research enthusiast.
I was working as Technical Sales Engineer and Health Safety Officer at PT. Keivan Bros who sales everything at many places, such as PJB UBJOM Rembang, PJB UP Gresik, PJB UBJOM Pacitan, PJB UBJOM Tanjung Awar-Awar, Petrokimia Gresik, and many more
I was working as Backend Engineer and Quality Assurance at PT. GDC Multi Sarana, who develop many things. such as Web ArtaKu Internal, Web GDC Landing, Gateway ArtaKu Mobile, Gateway ArtaKu Web, Gateway GDC APU PPT, Artaku Mobile App, and many more
Now I work as Lecturer & Fulltack Engineer at Universitas Hang Tuah, who maintain Sistem Informasi Akademik and Document PDF Generator
I have done many things so many things using several platform. If you want to know more you should check out this details portofolio. Currently I am available to work as freelance full stack coder, if you need something..
And also, there is several attributes and updates. I've been doing several times ago, I hope you will enjoy with my article and updates. What supposed I do. Thank you..
That's it all about my portofolio and several personilazation what I've done so far. Than you for your attention.. more stars, more fun