A clone of the original Eliza chatbot. The bot is named Pixel which is a basic chatbot that resembles the original chatbot ELIZA programmed using the Functional Programing Language LISP.
#How to set up the environment:
Download Lispworks from http://www.lispworks.com/downloads/index.html After installing the software, launch the software Click on the ‘open file’ icon and select the projects source code which in this case is ‘Pixel.lisp’
After the file is open, highlight the full code to select it
Once all the is highlighted copy it by clicking on the copy icon on top
Then click on the lister icon to launch it.
Once it is open, pass the code you copied.
After passing it all click on the return/enter button to process it. 
Once it presents the cl user command you can enter data.
to launch the chatbot you need to enter the chatbot name between parentheses e.g (pixel)
you will get a prompt ‘PIXEL >’ which prompts the user to enter data
Now you have the chatbot pixel running and can start conversations with it but make sure to type between parentheses e,g (hello)