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experimental sfz ARIA extensions converter to HTML and LV2 UI implementation


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aqua LV2 UI in action

aqua is a simple JS+HTML page that brings SFZ ARIA extensions XML instrument bank to Web (HTML+SVG) using g200kg/webaudio-controls.

An online demo UI is available at: (Note that Web UI is really only for UI, no audio involved. Those sfz samples can be 1GB-ish, which are not suitable for Web Audio in 2020).

Right now we use Vue.js but the templating part is really simple so it can be anything. Maybe we don't even need any.

There are handful of great instruments with ARIA UI. In this PoC repository we import these instruments:

Building and Using

See "LV2 Plugin UI" section.

To use it as a local LV2 plugin, you would need an extra configuration file under ~/.config/aqua.config file. It is not really a config file so far, just stores list of bank XML files. For example, mine is:

/home/atsushi/soundfonts/sfz/karoryfer-bigcat.cello-master/Karoryfer x bigcat


The real value in this experimental project lies in that the entire UI is based on complete web technology ecosystem, not just part of it. For example, react-juce is a great React integration for audio plugins, but still needs full backend implementation just like React Native (but for its own), which is not going to be full web solution. Full SVG implementation, HTML5 Canvas, WebGL etc. including full access to the DOM integration, is what we want, to achieve "any Web application authoring tool works" state of union.

For example, webaudio-controls is maintained by exactly the same person (g200kg) who also created KnobMan which is most likely used by many ARIA Knob designers. The same image format is widely used by Kontakt nki designers too, they are all the same. It is why aqua achieves so complete UI results.

It should be also possible to use Web UI part of this project in the latest iPlug2 WebUI support (see the head part of aqua.js to see what kind of WebView hooks are required).

Another reason for Web technology-based UI is a host-loadable UI for a remote plugin, which may sound tricky but an option for Android platform.

Embedded hosting

aqua is designed to be used for audio plugin UI. aqua-host.c is a proof-of-concept HTTP server and WebView app that shows the program (instrument) list like a native UI using zserge/webview and jeremycw/httpserver.h. So far it only logs note on/off and control changes from the UI (they are the whole supported messages by webaudio-controls anyways), but you would get the basic concept on how it could be used.

LV2 plugin UI

aqua-lv2ui is the LV2 plugin UI implementation. It is to provide a fully-functional SFZ sampler UI using sfztools/sfizz LV2 (non-UI) plugin. Though unlike sfizz itself, aqua only supports ARIA bank XML (i.e. no support for .sfz) so far.

To build native hosting stuff, you will have to install sfizz dependencies such as libjack-jackd2-dev and libsndfile-dev. Make sure that you clone submodules in external/sfizz too. Then run ./

(We use a sfizz submodule, with some uncommitted changes to the codebase, which replaces most of the sfizz URI with aqua with sfizz-to-aqua.patch (It's an ugly hack, but we should use different name and URI to not conflict with sfizz which may be locally installed.), as well as copied-and-regex-replaced sfizz.ttl renamed as aqua.ttl.)

As the build result, there will be dist/aqua.lv2 directory. You can either copy the directory into your LV2 plugins directory (e.g. ~/.lv2/), or specify LV2_PATH to the directory.

UI architecture

The plugin UI is neither X11, Gtk2/3 or Qt4/5 but is KXStudio external UI namespace. The actual UI is aqua-host standalone program, running on its own isolated process. Since it uses WebKitGtk, you'll need it locally installed, but the UI shows up on zrythm and qtractor or perhaps any plugin host that supports the namespace.

aqua interprocess UI

The inter-process messaging between LV2 UI plugin and the standalone process is done by simple and stupid pipes, with lots of help by eidheim/tiny-process-library.

Current standalone host implementation is GTK-specific, but it is cosmetic to make it work for other OS-es, just a matter of tweaking the window handle a little bit (show / hide / disable close button).


There is a lot of "unsupported opcodes" in sfizz. There are sfz v1, v2, Cakewalk extensions, ARIA extensions, etc. See SFZ Opcodes for details. Those unsupported opcodes are reported by sfizz when it is loaded.

ARIA GUI extension shows knobs, sliders, and buttons for CCs (control changes), but those settings are not stored as sfizz plugin state, as they are rather part of MIDI messages which would be saved as song data.


Debugging HTML parts is easy; you can just use any HTTP server e.g. npx http-server, open index.html from any browser, and use its debugging console. (You cannot open the page as in file: URL because the app needs access to local resources which is not allowed for the scheme.)

For debugging Web UI host standalone UI, you can use native debuggers like gdb or lldb for aqua-host. It accepts stdin, so you can send commands like SFZ /path/to/target/sfz. The window doesn't have a close button, typing quit lets it close.

Debugging the LV2 UI plugin is not intuitive. For @atsushieno, the debuggee is zrythm which is locally built and installed, with LV2_PATH that points to sfizz-aqua/dist/lib/lv2 mentioned above.


  • My code (aqua*) is available under the MIT License.
  • webaudio-controls, webcomponents-lite, and Vue.js are distributed by each developers under their respective licenses (Apache, BSD-like, MIT).
  • httpserver.h, webview, and tiny-process-library are available under the MIT license.
  • sfizz is available under the BSD license.
  • UI METAL GTX, UI Standard Guitar, and UI 1912 are freely available like public domain (no credits required: *ライセンスについて ・ライセンスフリーです ・クレジット表記は不要です).
  • karoryfer-bigcat.cello is under CC-BY 4.0 License.


experimental sfz ARIA extensions converter to HTML and LV2 UI implementation








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