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FASDA - Fast And Simple Differential Analysis


There are mature, easy-to-use, and efficient tools for all steps in a typical differential analysis pipeline up to and including alignment (read mapping) and peak calling. Well-maintained tools such as FastQC, fastq-trim, cutadapt, kallisto, BWA, Bowtie2, HISAT2, samtools, bedtools, and MACS2/MACS3 make the early stages of an RNA-Seq, ATAC-Seq, or ChIP-Seq analysis fairly straightforward.

Data-massaging before and after differential analysis is also relatively simple using standard Unix tools such as awk, cut, grep, sed, and tr, or simple perl or python scripts.

The differential analysis step itself has been problematic, however, with few well-developed tools available, and many of them requiring fairly sophisticated R scripting for basic use. R is a wondrous tool for quick-and-dirty statistical computations. It embodies immense knowledge of statistics that most of us lack, and hence enables us to perform many standard analyses without the aid of a statistician. However, Rscript suffers from severe limitations as an application development language, which partly explains the difficulties in using R-based tools. For application development, it is often preferable to use a compiled language (and compare the results to what R produces as part of the verification process).

Code maintenance has also historically been problematic, with even the most popular tools falling into disrepair at times, and frequently presenting installation issues due to incompatibility with the latest version of R or other dependencies.

FASDA is a fast and simple differential analysis tool that just works, and does not require any knowledge beyond basic Unix command-line skills. It uses a simple command-line interface (CLI) analogous to popular tools such as bedtools, BWA, and samtools. To maximize efficiency, portability, and interoperability with other tools, the code is written entirely in C and built on biolibc. Statistical analysis results were verified to match those of R tools, in addition to being carefully studied at the mathematical level.

Starting with kallisto output, computing fold-change and associated P-values for two conditions can typically be completed in a few seconds with three simple commands, for example:

fasda normalize --output c1-all-norm.tsv c1-*/abundance.tsv
fasda normalize --output c2-all-norm.tsv c2-*/abundance.tsv
fasda fold-change --output FC.txt c1-all-norm.tsv c2-all-norm.tsv

For other read mappers that output SAM format alignments, a kallisto-format .tsv file can be generated from the alignment files and a GFF3 file using fasda abundance, for example:

fasda abundance features.gff3 alignments.bam

Another issue addressed by FASDA is the fact that most popular differential analysis tools suffer from a high false discovery rate (FDR) (Li, et al:

FASDA computes exact P-values for experiments with fewer than 5 replicates and near-exact P-values for 5 to 7 replicates (possible count pairs are down-sampled to control run time, but resulting P-values are generally stable to 2 decimal places).

For 8 or more replicates, we use the Mann-Whitney U-test (A.K.A. Wilcoxon rank-sum test), a non-parametric test that provides high stability and low FDR. The main limitation of Mann-Whitney is that it requires a minimum of 8 samples to achieve reasonable statistical power. As a result, it is not useful for typical RNA-Seq or ATAC-Seq experiments with only 3 replicates. However, exact P-values are preferable anyway, and FASDA computes them almost instantaneously for 3 or 4 replicates.

Parametric tests used by popular tools can provide reasonable power at very low sample sizes, in exchange for high FDR when the data do not fit the parametric assumptions well. However, their high FDR and poor performance for large sample sizes illustrates a need for a new approach. Hence, a major goal with FASDA is to fill an under-served niche of high-sample studies with a tool that is fast and produces stable results.

FASDA currently uses Mean Ratios Normalization (MRN) to normalize counts prior to computing fold-changes and P-values.


FASDA is currently alpha-quality.

The kallisto abundance.tsv file format is used as input for normalization and computing fold-change and P-values. The "fasda abundance" command computes abundances from SAM/BAM/CRAM files and produces a kallisto-style abundance TSV file, so that data from other aligners can be used. This is currently used to support output from hisat2, and will support ChIP-Seq and ATAC-Seq peak data in the future.

FASDA's abundance estimates are currently about 40% higher than kallisto's, but they are proportional, so the resulting fold-changes are the same. This is likely due to higher alignment rates produced by hisat2 in our tests.

The sample output below is from 14 biological replicates of yeast RNA-Seq data with wild-type and SNF2 mutant conditions. The run times included below show that FASDA is extremely fast, normalizing over 92,000 estimated counts directly from kallisto abundance.tsv files in about 1/4 second (on a 2.6 GHz i5 laptop) and computing fold-change and P-values in 1/20 second. Memory use is also very low, with "fasda normalize" peaking around 66 megabytes and "fasda fold-change" around 9 megabytes for the yeast example.

An automated pipeline script for reproducing these results is provided in Test/

Raw data:

File                    Reads
SNF2-1.fastq.gz       7541320
SNF2-10.fastq.gz      6189284
SNF2-11.fastq.gz      7442520
SNF2-12.fastq.gz      5549584
SNF2-13.fastq.gz      5294592
SNF2-14.fastq.gz      8147372
SNF2-2.fastq.gz       6376640
SNF2-3.fastq.gz       6378780
SNF2-4.fastq.gz       7909012
SNF2-5.fastq.gz       5487300
SNF2-6.fastq.gz       6351828
SNF2-7.fastq.gz       9388052
SNF2-8.fastq.gz       6077820
SNF2-9.fastq.gz       7298096
WT-1.fastq.gz         4375828
WT-10.fastq.gz        5857000
WT-11.fastq.gz        5069724
WT-12.fastq.gz        5895732
WT-13.fastq.gz        6717716
WT-14.fastq.gz        7145472
WT-2.fastq.gz         5870276
WT-3.fastq.gz         4912828
WT-4.fastq.gz         7707420
WT-5.fastq.gz         6053972
WT-6.fastq.gz         10851336
WT-7.fastq.gz         6421324
WT-8.fastq.gz         7078852
WT-9.fastq.gz         6623692

Normalizing WT...
	0.27 real         0.21 user         0.06 sys
Normalizing SNF2...
	0.27 real         0.25 user         0.02 sys
Computing fold-change...
	0.05 real         0.05 user         0.00 sys

Feature                 MNC1    MNC2  SD/C1  SD/C2  %Agr  FC 1-2  P-val
YPL071C_mRNA            36.1    65.2    0.6    0.7    85    1.80  0.035
YLL050C_mRNA           486.9   705.4    0.5    0.4    78    1.45  0.048
YMR172W_mRNA            80.3   157.4    0.6    0.8    78    1.96  0.008
YOR185C_mRNA            61.9    70.2    0.6    0.5    71    1.13  0.198
YLL032C_mRNA            42.4    32.8    0.7    0.3    64    0.77  0.335
YBR225W_mRNA            67.0   122.1    0.6    0.6    85    1.82  0.022
YEL041W_mRNA            22.6    29.5    0.6    0.4    64    1.30  0.081
YOR237W_mRNA            17.1    46.4    0.6    0.8    92    2.72  0.000
YMR027W_mRNA           203.8   294.6    0.5    0.4    71    1.45  0.022
YBR182C-A_mRNA           0.1     0.2    3.5    2.4    85    3.04  0.713
YKL103C_mRNA           195.6   388.8    0.5    0.4    92    1.99  0.001
YOL048C_mRNA            64.0   131.8    0.7    0.4    92    2.06  0.001
YIR015W_mRNA            13.6    25.7    0.8    0.7    85    1.88  0.009
YNR017W_mRNA           258.0   257.3    0.5    0.4    57    1.00  0.854
YBL055C_mRNA           106.7    91.3    0.6    0.3    57    0.86  0.783

Interpreting Results

The fasda fold-change output shows the mean normalized counts across replicates, the standard deviation from that mean (divided by the mean to show % deviation rather than absolute), the % agreement among replicates as to the direction of the change (up-regulated vs down or no change), the fold-change computed from total counts across replicates, and the exact, near-exact, or Mann-Whitney P-value for this set of counts.

All of these values, along with any available knowledge of the biology, should be considered when deciding whether a given change is significant.

P-values from any differential analysis tool should never be taken too seriously. There are countless uncontrollable biological variables that can affect the RNA abundance in a cell. There are also numerous sources of experimental error in sample prep and sequencing that can lead to large variations in read counts. Technical replicates (replicates from the same biological sample) and spike-in controls can reveal some of these technical issues, but do not address biological variations.

Another problem is that many biology experiments use only 3 replicates. We simply cannot draw much confidence from any statistics based on 3 samples. Schurch, et al recommend a minimum of 6 biological replicates, 12 in order to reliably identify DEGs with fold change less than 4 (

Note that higher fold-changes and higher counts lead to higher statistical significance, but this does not necessarily correlate to higher biological significance. P-value calculations typically make the same assumptions about all genes. A fold-change of 1.5 may be highly significant for one gene while meaningless for another for entirely biochemical reasons. E.g. increasing the abundance of a scarce enzyme by 50% could have a profound effect on a cell, while a 50% increase in many other proteins has little effect. Statistical routines have no knowledge of the biology that determines this.

There is huge variability on the computational side as well. Well-established differential analysis tools commonly report very different sets of genes as differentially expressed. Li, et al ( reported that 23.71% to 75% of the DEGs identified by DESeq2 were missed by edgeR. In one data set tested, DESeq2 and edgeR had only an 8% overlap in the DEGs they identified.

Hence, simply assuming that P-values < 0.05 represent significant changes while others do not would be foolish. Rather than try too hard to produce adjusted P-values that you can take on faith, we provide simple, honest statistics and leave it to you to consider them carefully.

From our preliminary experiments, we have found that P-values between 0.05 and 0.20 are often questionable and may warrant a closer look at the raw data. A quick look at the individual read counts and variance for each replicate in these cases can be enlightening. You will usually see a high variance in counts across individuals, sometimes with up-regulation in some individuals and down-regulation in others.

For example, consider the following gene, for which Sleuth reported a P-value of 0.0132, while the exact P-value computed by FASDA is 0.116. The kallisto estimated counts show that one replicate was up-regulated almost 4-fold, another almost 2-fold, and the third was slightly down-regulated. A P-value of 0.01 would not likely make anyone suspect this situation. 0.116, on the other hand, tells us that there is a good chance this is significant, but maybe we should take a minute or two to look at the read counts and consider the biology behind them. This is a small investment that will help us better decide whether a costly experimental verification is warranted.

		    FASDA                     Sleuth
	   Feature   Cond1   Cond2  FC   1-2    SC1    SC2  SFC    SPV
ENSMUST00000017610  7620.5 16006.7 2.1 0.116  191.4  433.5  2.3 0.0132

Kallisto estimated counts:

	     R1      R2      R3
Cond1   5382.16  8567.4 6986.43
Cond2   21519.9 16196.7 6307.52

Conversely, Sleuth produced a P-value of 0.12 for the following, which looks like a slam-dunk given the high counts and strong agreement among all replicates.

		    FASDA                     Sleuth
	   Feature   Cond1   Cond2  FC   1-2    SC1    SC2  SFC    SPV
ENSMUST00000036928  1165.0  4064.3 3.5 0.024   70.5  300.4  4.3 0.1203

	     R1      R2      R3
Cond1   1045.41 942.707 1220.02
Cond2   2835.7  4167.81 3718.39

The bottom line is, while the 0.05 rule is a good one mathematically, it is only as reliable as the input data and the statistical methods used to analyze it.. We cannot count on experimental and computational results reflecting the biology with that much accuracy. Give the results of any differential analysis a generous margin of error, and examine the data more closely for anything near that margin.

The question then becomes how to narrow down the list of differential features and identify those of interest. Our intent is to provide additional tools that facilitate examination of the results using multiple criteria rather than filtering first by P-value alone. For instance, we might select for genes with a P-value < 0.2, low variance in the alignment counts, and known relation to the phenotype being studied. We might also tolerate lower fold-changes for genes whose effect is known to be biologically amplified.

For ChIP-Seq or ATAC-Seq , we might select for peaks with a P-value < 0.2, low variance in the counts, and proximity to a gene of interest. Multiple facets must be considered in order to avoid missing important features that have a P-value above 0.05 due to experimental imprecision rather than a true lack of biological significance. Likewise, we need a multifaceted approach to eliminate false positives.

Design and Implementation

The code is organized following basic object-oriented design principals, but implemented in C to minimize overhead and keep the source code accessible to scientists who don't have time to master the complexities of C++.

Structures are treated as classes, with accessor macros and mutator functions provided, so dependent applications and libraries need not access structure members directly. Since the C language cannot enforce this, it's up to application programmers to exercise self-discipline.

For detailed coding standards, see

Building and installing

FASDA is intended to build cleanly in any POSIX environment on any CPU architecture. Please don't hesitate to open an issue if you encounter problems on any Unix-like system.

Primary development is done on FreeBSD with clang, but the code is frequently tested on Linux, MacOS, NetBSD, and OpenIndiana as well. MS Windows is not supported, unless using a POSIX environment such as Cygwin or Windows Subsystem for Linux.

The Makefile is designed to be friendly to package managers, such as Debian packages, FreeBSD ports, MacPorts, pkgsrc, etc.

End users should install using a package manager, to ensure that dependencies are properly managed.

I maintain a FreeBSD port and a pkgsrc package, which is sufficient to install cleanly on virtually any POSIX platform. If you would like to see a package in another package manager, please consider creating a package yourself. This will be one of the easiest packages in the collection and hence a good vehicle to learn how to create packages.

Note that pkgsrc can be used by anyone, on virtually any POSIX operating system, with or without administrator privileges.

For an overview of available package managers, see the Repology website.

Installing FASDA on FreeBSD:

FreeBSD is a highly underrated platform for scientific computing, with over 2,000 scientific libraries and applications in the FreeBSD ports collection (of more than 30,000 total), modern clang compiler, fully-integrated ZFS file system, and renowned security, performance, and reliability. FreeBSD has a somewhat well-earned reputation for being difficult to set up and manage compared to user-friendly systems like Ubuntu. However, if you're a little bit Unix-savvy, you can very quickly set up a workstation, laptop, or VM using desktop-installer. GhostBSD offers an experience very similar to Ubuntu, but is built on FreeBSD rather than Debian Linux. GhostBSD packages lag behind FreeBSD ports slightly, but this is not generally an issue and there are workarounds.

To install the binary package on FreeBSD:

pkg install fasda

You can just as easily build and install from source. This is useful for FreeBSD ports with special build options, for building with non-portable optimizations such as -march=native, building with debugging info, and for work-in-progress ports, for which binary packages are not yet maintained.

cd /usr/ports/biology/fasda && env CFLAGS='-march=native -O2' make install

Installing via pkgsrc

pkgsrc is a cross-platform package manager that works on any Unix-like platform. It is native to NetBSD and well-supported on Illumos, MacOS, RHEL/CentOS, and many other Linux distributions. Using pkgsrc does not require admin privileges. You can install a pkgsrc tree in any directory to which you have write access and easily install any of the nearly 20,000 packages in the collection.

The auto-pkgsrc-setup script will help you install pkgsrc in about 10 minutes. Just download it and run

sh auto-pkgsrc-setup

Then, assuming you selected current packages and the default prefix

source ~/Pkgsrc/pkg/etc/   # Or pkgsrc.csh for csh or tcsh
cd ~/Pkgsrc/pkgsrc/biology/fasda
sbmake install clean clean-depends

See the [pkgsrc documentation]( for more information.

Community support for pkgsrc is available through the pkgsrc-users mailing list.

Instructions for packagers

If you would like to add this project to another package manager rather than use FreeBSD ports or pkgsrc, basic manual build instructions for package can be found here. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!