This is a simple and minimalistic Next.js, TypeScript, TailwindCSS and ESLint template with all the starter files and dependencies already setup and ready for you to use.
List of modules and libraries pre-installed in this template:
- next
- tailwindcss
- postcss
- autoprefixer
- typescript
- eslint
- next-pwa
next: The core library required for the functioning of Next.js.
tailwindcss: The main library required for TailwindCSS along with postcss and autoprefixer.
typescript: Library which enables us to use TypeScript.
eslint: Library useful for setting up ESLint in our project.
next-pwa: A Library used for making working PWA's(Progressive Web App's) easily in Next.js.
There are many developers who would like to have a stable workflow comprising of Next.js, TypeScript, TailwindCSS and ESLint which makes their coding a lot easier. This template is tailor-made for those developers. Installing all of these libraries on its own is a pain and time consuming. With this template, with a few steps that take a lot less time you are able to setup your workflow.
Now, how to use this template. This template is publicly available for you to use here. You can click on Use this template which allows you to create a duplicate repository with the same files but in your GitHub account.
Proceeding further, you need to clone the repo locally to use it in your projects. You can do this via git or using the zip file.
Now you have succesfully incorporated the starter template into your workflow! 🥳
In case of any contributions to this template, please make sure that your pull requests follow these basic rules:
- Please ensure that your pr's(Pull Requests) are relatable and applicable to the base intention of this template.
- Pr's can be in the form of any optimizations / better practices within the template.
- Please refrain from adding unnecessary features and over-engineering the template. Keep it simple.
- Making changes that are not applicable to the template will not be accepted.
- Improving the documentation will also be appreciated
Hoping for optimal cooperation from contributors.
Before using this template, we suggest you to have a quick look at the and