DropzoneJS is an open source library that provides drag'n'drop file uploads with image previews.
Intended for versions of Meteor 0.8.2+
- Pre-Install: Meteorite to gain the mrt command
- Add Dropzonejs to your project with:
mrt add Dropzonejs
In your handlebar templates you can just include the template Dropzonejs:
{{> dropzone url='http://somewebsite.com/upload' id='dropzoneDiv'}}
Which will post any uploaded files to the url of your choice.
If you would like more control over your Dropzone. You can instantiate one on any html element and pass a range of events and options.
A full list of options can be found in the Dropzone documentation
Pull requests are very welcome if you are looking for a starting point:
- Tests
- Ability to pass options to the template