This repository contains an application that lets you ingest live drone streams and process them in real time. The application is built using the following technologies:
- Amazon Kinesis Video Streams
- Amazon Rekognition
- Lambda, S3, SNS
The solution has three big components; ingestion, processing of the video stream, and ML analysis of the video stream.
This solution is useful for processing real-time video streams from drones and other video sources. The solution can be used to detect objects in the video stream, and send alerts to the user when an object is detected.
The solution is packaged as a CDK stack. The stack be deployed by the following commands
cd cdk
npm install
cdk deploy
This spins up the required resources in your AWS account. The stack creates the following resources:
- Kinesis Video Stream
- Frames storage S3 bucket
- Lambda function to process the video stream
- Streaming Proxy Server to ingest the video stream into Kinesis Video Stream
- All required permissions, security groups, roles and networking resources
The source code for the lambda function is located in /cdk/lambda/
By default, this function will pick up images from the deployed S3 Bucket. It will run the images against the Rekognition API and send an SNS notification if an object of interest is detected in the image.
If you want to use the custom model, uncomment the code between Region: Custom model detection snippet
and End region
and update the model_arn
variable with the ARN of your custom model.
Ensure you have configured the SNS topic as an environment variable in the lambda function.
The following are useful resources to create a custom rekognition model:
- The solution uses Kinesis Video Streams to ingest the video stream from the drone. The video stream is ingested using the Streaming Proxy Server.
- The Streaming Proxy Server is a custom application that is deployed on EC2 to convert between RTMP and Kinesis Video Streams.
- Kinesis Video Streams automatically extracts frames from the video stream and stores them in S3.
- The Lambda function is triggered when a new frame is available in S3. The Lambda function uses Amazon Rekognition to detect objects in the frame.
- The Lambda function sends an alert to the user when an object of interest is detected in the frame.
It allows you to stream video via RTMP or RTSP protocols. The proxy server is deployed on EC2 and is configured to ingest the video stream into Kinesis Video Streams.
To obtain the <ip_address>
refer to the CDK Stack output.
Currently, you must manually start the proxy server. The following steps will help you configure and start the proxy server.
Get the SSH KeyPair Private key. This will be stored in Parameter Store
Copy the value and save it to a file named private.pem
Change the permissions of the file to 400
using the following command:
chmod 400 private.pem
Now SSH into the EC2 instance using the following command:
ssh -i private.pem ec2-user@<ec2-ip-address>
Once you are logged into the EC2 instance, run the following commands to start the proxy server:
ls -l
cd rtsp-proxy-code
sudo chmod +x
sudo ./
Then you can start the compose application.
sudo docker-compose up -d
To stream a sample video to the Kinesis Video Stream, you can use the following command:
ffmpeg -re -stream_loop -1 -i <videofile.mp4> -c copy -f flv \
You can pick any stream name, it essentially acts as a track for the video to publish from the source to the proxy.
Make a note of the <track_name>
you used.
To start forwarding the video stream to Kinesis Video Streams, you can use the following command from your laptop. Streaming proxy will forward the RTMP stream to Kinesis Video Stream specified in the command.
is the name of the KVS stream you want to forward to.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"kinesis_stream_name": "<stream-name>", "rtsp_src": "rtsp://rtspserver:8554/<track-name>"}' \
- The Streaming Proxy Server is a custom application that is deployed on EC2 to convert between RTMP and Kinesis Video Streams.
- It uses the KVS Producer C++ Application to ingest the video stream into Kinesis Video Streams.
- Open source RTSP Simple Server is used to convert the RTMP stream to RTSP stream.
Open source datasets for shark detection model
Download the dataset in the PyTorch format and you can convert it to Ground Truth format using the following script scripts/
in the repository.
This can be uploaded to Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels to train a custom model by choosing the Manifest file option.
Alternatively, if you do not have any labeled data, you can use the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels console to label the images and train the model.
Actively running the solution can cost money, please shut down the resources or destroy the stack.
cdk destroy
- The solution is not intended for production use. It is intended to be used as a reference architecture for building a similar solution.
- In the works: automated proxy server deployment and starting.
- In the works: full demonstration video.