app-mesh: support port property on weighted targets (#26114 ) (54f91c8 ), closes #26083
autoscaling: deprecate launch configurations (under feature flag) (#25910 ) (ff21c69 ), closes #23165
aws-cdk-lib: use new L1 codegen (#26318 ) (f15ed23 )
cfnspec: cloudformation spec v130.0.0 (#26278 ) (d316af7 )
cfnspec: cloudformation spec v130.1.0 (#26362 ) (52e20c9 )
cloudfront: add denyList to OriginRequestPolicy behaviors (#25767 ) (7926560 ), closes / / /
cloudwatch: allow configuring period on SingleValueWidget (#26260 ) (c8edc87 ), closes #26259
cloudwatch: dashboard variables (#26285 ) (73f2741 ), closes #26200
codebuild: support for Docker Registry Image for Linux Arm (#26121 ) (f522796 ), closes #24367 #24342
core: allow user to specify --platform (#26368 ) (2f8df43 ), closes #25759
custom-resources: add custom environmentEncryption for Provider lambda functions (#26236 ) (546456a ), closes #26197
ec2: make VPC internet gateway creation controllable (#26314 ) (cc4ce12 ), closes #26270
ec2: support using ssm parameter to resolve AMI ID at instance launch time (#26273 ) (2462b0b )
eks: support eks with k8s 1.27 (#25897 ) (fdd3309 )
lambda-event-sources: added filters support to kafka sources (#26366 ) (c575dde ), closes #26348
opensearch: opensearch 2.7 engine version (#26313 ) (fb580b5 )
opensearchservice: support for MultiAZWithStandBy (under feature flag) (#26082 ) (6c75581 ), closes #26026
rds: support Aurora MySQL engine v. 2.11.3 (#26419 ) (c646644 ), closes #26407
rds: support aurora postgresql 14.8 (#26427 ) (e8fc7a8 )
rds: support aurora postgresql 15.3 (#26377 ) (669dd7f ), closes #26363
rds: support configuring secret rotation behavior via rotateImmediatelyOnUpdate prop (#26329 ) (979cbff ), closes #26099
Bug Fixes
apigateway: method response from rest api default options are not passed to Method (#26275 ) (9bcc6d5 ), closes #26252
aws_ecs: Do not output NetworkConfiguraiton to ECS Service when using EXTERNAL deployment controller (#26338 ) (170edda ), closes #26335
cli: credential plugin exceptions stop the entire CLI (#26244 ) (1a8f5ad )
cli: hotswap doesn't update SSM parameter environment variables properly (#26382 ) (32654f5 ), closes #25387 #25483
core: cross region exports fail when parameter doesn't exist (#26434 ) (d130bd7 )
custom-resource: ignoreErrorCodesMatching
broken on sdk v3 (#26430 ) (e21dd4e )
ecs: DeploymentAlarms property is specified for ECS service with CODE_DEPLOY and EXTERNAL deployment controller (#26317 ) (b799c82 ), closes #25840 #26307
ecs: Windows ECS Optimized AMI SSM parameter format is incorrect (#26326 ) (43013d0 ), closes #26327
lambda: add instrument handler option to adotInstrumentation to support python lambda functions (#26040 ) (bd06669 ), closes #24666
lambda: bundling fails with pnpm >= 8.4.0 (#25612 ) (#26386 ) (928cbc8 ), closes #25617
lambda: Update Python Lambda Adot Lambda layer versions (#26411 ) (47f15a6 ), closes #26168
s3: auto-delete-objects fails when bucket doesn't exist (#26433 ) (228901a ), closes #16756
bad error checks in custom resources (#26392 ) (267e42c )
pkglint: library creation generates incorrect package names (#26330 ) (05d875b ), closes #26331
s3: allow empty string as keyPrefixEquals (#26243 ) (9381880 ), closes #26242
servicecatalog: product stack asset bucket with forced encryption (#26303 ) (cb5bef5 ), closes #26302
servicecatalog: support nested stacks in product stacks (#26311 ) (cad0635 ), closes #24317
Alpha modules (2.88.0-alpha.0)
apprunner-alpha: This change will be destructive if the serviceName
is set on an existing resources.
Bug Fixes
You can’t perform that action at this time.