This page can both be seen in its standard text form on
Or it can be viewed in its intended form as a GitHub Page, utilizing the CSS stylizing aspects of YAML here:
I based this first GitHub Page from the ideas presented from the following website.
If you are having trouble with the formatting of the .md files, I recommend this page which helped me out to remember some of those odd rules!
Also, a little known fact is that while GitHub defaults to, you can just as easily use README.rst, if you like the syntax of reStructured Text better.
This particular page I created uses a combination of:
.md (Markdown for Documentation) file(s) for static, text-based pages in GitHub, like files.
Jekyll, which is actually written in Ruby, so anytime you work with GitHub Pages, you'll probably see some .rb files and Gemfile.
YAML (seen as both .yml and .yaml files) I had always heard them referred to as configuration files, but according to Wikipedia and other websites, YAML (Yet Another Multicolumn Layout) "is a cross-browser CSS framework".
Here, I will be compiling the different types of websites, database systems, and other applications that I have worked on over the years. This is to give a representation of some of the work I can do.